Restless Night (Insomniac Duet 1) - Page 67

I brew us both a cup from the Keurig, then join her at the breakfast bar. We eat in relative silence. Her knee bops mine a few times until she leaves it there. Until our plates empty, we find some way to keep physical contact. Knee or foot or elbow. The contact has my chest fluttery and limbs tingly.

“Really should head home,” Peyton says as she sips the last of her coffee.

She slides down from the stool, ambles to the couch, and puts her shoes on. Usually going separate ways from a woman gives me relief. But as Peyton collects her purse and phone, an ache builds beneath my sternum.

“Would it upset you if I said I don’t want you to leave?”

A soft smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. “Quite the opposite. But I need to shower, put on fresh clothes, and do errands before work.”

I follow her to the door, but neither of us moves to open it. “Know it wasn’t intentional, but I’m glad you stayed.” Inching closer, I plant my hands on either side of her and box her in. “Haven’t slept like that in a long time.”

Her palms flatten on my pecs. “Oh, yeah. And how’s that?”

My head lowers, lips an inch from hers. “Solid. Restful.” I drop my lips to hers and taste the coffee on her lips. “All because you were in my arms.”

Pink paints her cheeks as she swallows. Her reaction sends a rush throughout my body. “Me, too,” she admits with an unfamiliar level of softness.

I dip down and take her mouth again. She fists my shirt and I drop my hands to her hips, heaving our bodies closer together. Her lips part and our tongues duel. Hands trail up my chest and dive into my hair, clenching the strands and tugging. A growl rises in my chest and spills into her as she deepens the kiss. Mouth fucks me near my front door.

Then she breaks the kiss, pins me in place with her vibrant irises, and inches back. “Really should go.” Her breathy words lack oomph.

I drop a kiss on her lips. Then another. “Okay. I’ll walk you out.” After a quick adjustment, I unlock the door, take Peyton’s hand, and lead her out the door.

The car beeps when she presses the fob, but she doesn’t get in immediately. We exchange a few more chaste kisses before she opens the door and slips behind the wheel. The engine starts up and she rolls down the window.

“Best unintentional sleepover,” she says, leaning out the window. I bend and kiss her one last time. “See you tonight.”

“Tonight.” I tap the roof of her SUV. She rolls up the window and backs out of the driveway. Within seconds, her car vanishes from sight.

I trudge my way to the front door and stumble inside. Flopping down on the couch, I rest my head on the pillow we shared not long ago. Inhale her lingering coconut and mint scent on the throw pillow. And bask in the simplicity and tranquility I felt—still feel—with Peyton in my space. In my arms. In my world.

* * *

Lost fucking cause. Might as well etch it on my skin now.

I straight up pouted when Peyton arrived at Roar fifteen minutes prior to open. With all the extra prep done yesterday and Kaylynn showing Mable and Caleb more tonight, Peyton didn’t need to rush. Which means I got zero alone time with her beforehand.

And now, I stomp around the club with a permanent frown and childish demeanor.

“Someone’s not having a good day,” Peyton teases when I step behind the bar.

I bump our shoulders together. “Hmm. Wonder why?”

The corner of her mouth kicks up in a playful half smile. “Maybe someone needs a nap or caffeine.” Her tone pouty and mocking. Makes me want to bite her lip.

“Or…” I drawl the two-letter word out as an idea sparks. “Maybe I need to take someone in the office.” Her violet eyes go wide. “To show you how the invoices need to be cataloged, of course.”

Her frame sags a hair, but her eyes don’t leave mine. Unspoken questions on whether or not sneaking off to the office is a good idea. The fact I won’t see Peyton every night at Roar is the perfect reason. Although, we are most definitely seeing each other outside these walls again. Often.

I approach Kaylynn as she explains the non-serving aspects of the job to Mable and Caleb. Both listen with rapt attention. “Hey.” Kaylynn shifts her gaze and pauses her instruction. “You all good out here if I teach Peyton management tasks in the office?”

Kaylynn scans the club. Still early, the place doesn’t have much activity. The Thursday crowd usually picks up in an hour. “Yeah, boss. I’ll come get you if it’s busy.”

Peyton hesitates until I round the corner of the hall. Her heels clap on the floor in quick succession as she catches up. Not a breath after the office door closes, and the lock flips, I smash her against the wall. Kiss her hard and rough. Grind my stiffening cock to the junction of her thighs. Moan as her taste hits my tongue.

We kiss like brutal beasts ready to shred the other’s clothes. Fingers fist my hair and yank hard. I bend at the knees and rub my pulsating cock over the seam of her pants. A sweet whimper exits her lips and I swallow it down.

All we have done is kiss and dry fuck. If she gets this turned on and desperate with our clothes on, she will no doubt ravage me when we are skin to skin.

Presumptuous of me to assume Peyton and I will have sex, I know. Although I plan to take my time with Peyton, not jump the gun and ruin the foundation we are building, our relationship will go next level. And beyond.

I break the kiss, take a step back, and smash my palm to my dick. “Fuck, hellcat.”

She bends at the waist, drops her hands to her knees and gasps. “Back at ya, starlight.”

It takes a hot minute, but once our breathing levels out, I guide us to the desk. “We really should do some work. Can’t drag you in here constantly and leave you still not knowing what to do.” I chuckle.

Peyton drags a chair from the guest side of the desk and parks it next to the one reserved for the manager on duty. For the next hour, I slip on my leader mask and focus on the task at hand. Peyton hangs on every word as I go over payroll, inventory, invoices, and scheduling. Watches my every move as I key figures into the spreadsheets. Asks questions to clarify how often we do full inventory and handle the cash each night. In my unbiased opinion, Peyton learns and catches on quickly. Which is great for two reasons.

One—I don’t have to repeat myself. Not that I wouldn’t have if necessary. And two—I get more alone time with her while I show her the ropes. It’s a win-win.

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025