A Love So Bright (Insomniac Duet 2) - Page 27

Then his tongue drags leisurely over my lower lips and I forget everything. The office, the fact half my clothes are missing, the club and people outside this room. All of it… gone.

Micah shimmies a foot out of my clothes, spreads my legs wider, hikes one over his shoulder and devours me like his last meal. One of my hands fists his hair while the other clutches the door handle. I grind myself on his mouth, moan as he slips a finger inside me, then another, and revel in the abrasiveness of his stubble against my sensitive skin.

The back of my head smacks the door as I tug his hair. Grind harder. Faster. Unladylike moans crawl up my throat and spill from my lips. His fingers pick up speed as he sucks my clit between his lips. My legs tremble and breaths come in short bursts. I slam my eyes shut as the room spins.

Then Micah performs sorcery in a one-two combo with his tongue and fingers. Stars light the back of my lids. Shock waves surge through my body as the orgasm pulses over and over. My legs give out and he grabs my hips to keep me upright.

Again and again, he licks up my seam. Feasts on every drop of my orgasm as I quiver atop him. Slowly rises to his feet then slams his mouth down on mine.

The taste of me on his tongue does libidinous things to my body. I fist his shirt and drag our bodies flush. Suck his tongue like I plan to his dick when given the opportunity.

“You taste like fucking nirvana and sin,” he groans against my lips.

“Wait until you experience it too.”

“Fuck,” he whisper-hisses. “How the hell can I leave the room now?”

I laugh, haul his lips back to mine, and kiss him with unrestrained aggression. As his hands glide from my hip up my abdomen, I break the kiss and shove him back a step.

“We should stop.” I say the words, but they hold no umph. Because right now, all I want to do is shed his clothes and drop to my knees. Worship him in ways I never have, in ways he has never known.

Who knew Micah Reed would turn me into a craved vixen? Certainly not me. But here we are.

He palms his cock as I reach for my panties and slip them back on, followed by my pants. Zipper up and button in place, I walk over to the small mirror in the office and work to make my hair resemble what it did prior to Micah entering the office. In the end, I twist it in a topknot and say fuck it.

After I swipe a fresh coat of gloss on my lips, I spin to face Micah. “You know we can’t walk out of here at the same time.”

He lifts a brow as the corner of his mouth kicks up. “Why?”

“One—I look freshly fucked.” This garners a bigger smile from him. “Two—it would just be odd. We’re never both in here together this long in the first place. To walk out of here at the same time would definitely bring unwanted attention our way.”

“Who says it’s unwanted?”

“Me,” I say on a sigh. “Micah, the last thing we need is the staff thinking we’re acting inappropriately. And that they can do the same.” I shake my head before dropping my gaze to the floor. “I’ve worked hard to get here. If anyone even remotely believes I slept with my boss to get promoted…”

“Hey.” Micah steps up to me, pinches my chin between his thumb and forefinger, and lifts until our eyes lock. “That is not what’s happening here.” The edge to his words sharp enough to sever any doubt.

“You and I know that.” I point toward the main part of the club. “They don’t, though.” My eyes glaze over. “Please, can we just go back out there? You first and I’ll follow in a few.”

“Under one condition.” He steps closer and we stand toe to toe.


“I don’t want to hide this. Us.” He trails a single fingertip from the hollow of my throat to the v of my shirt. “Working here isn’t the same as a corporate job. Rules are different. More flexible. Besides, I think Ani knows about us and she doesn’t seem bothered by it.”

Considering Ani and I have been friends for years, she definitely knows more about Micah than he realizes. Nothing outlandish. I do keep some things private. But I shared our history with her. And where our relationship resides now—minus the intimate details. Gossip over such personal aspects of my life will never happen. No matter how close I am with someone. In my opinion, certain things should stay between the two people involved.

“She knows.”

He shifts to hold my gaze easier. “Yeah? And she’s cool with us?”

My entire frame sags. “Yes,” I mumble.

“What’s that?”

“You’re such a pain in the ass.” I straighten my spine and roll my eyes. “Yes, she knows about us. Kind of. Not the nitty-gritty, but that we’ve been hanging out.”

“And?” My brows inch up as I look away. “She’s fine with it, isn’t she?”

Micah Reed lives to drive me insane. I just know it. Of course, Ani is fine with Micah and me being together. As long as our relationship doesn’t interfere with work or cause future problems, Ani has no issue with us being together. In any capacity.

“Mmhm.” I nod.

“Then why are you so worked up?”

He doesn’t get it. Either that or he doesn’t comprehend how other people may perceive the situation. Anyone with eyes would have seen me and Micah close prior to the official promotion. It wouldn’t matter that the job had been offered to me months back. Some people may still assume I slept my way up the ladder.

And that… is not acceptable.

“Have you ever been a woman?” I ask the question knowing I will get a smart-ass answer. But I hold up a hand before he gets a word out. “No, you haven’t. So, you don’t understand what it’s like. To have to bust your ass ten times harder for the same opportunity. To work extra just to show you’re worthy of the same pay. It isn’t our fault we were born with different parts between our legs and on our chest, but our part of the world was founded by men. And most of society doesn’t see men and women as equals.” I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and reopen them. “So, please… do this for me. Straighten your clothes and hair, walk out of here, and pretend like we were working back here and nothing else.”

Warm hands engulf mine as Micah erases any remaining space between us. He lifts my hands and deposits them on his shoulders, then snakes his around my waist.

“Sorry,” he whispers, inches from my lips. “I have no intention of flaunting what you and I do behind closed doors. But Peyton?” I meet his starry night eyes. “I won’t hide our relationship. Not saying I plan to walk up to everyone and tell them. But this…” He presses his lips to mine briefly. “You aren’t some dirty secret or sidepiece. For you, I’ll walk out of here alone. But make no mistake, if someone asks about our relationship status, I won’t lie. We haven’t defined us, but there is an us.”

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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