A Love So Bright (Insomniac Duet 2) - Page 33

When my eyes flash to his, a smirk kicks up the corner of his mouth. He tucks an arm under his head and fists his cock with the free hand. “As I started to say—”

“You’re building a ladder,” I interrupt and tilt my head. “Lucky for you, I’m into construction.”

As he opens his mouth with what I bet is a witty comment, I bend down and lick the length of him.

“Dear god,” he hisses out as he fists the comforter. A hand comes to the back of my neck and tightens as he hauls me up his body.

“Wasn’t done,” I mumble against his lips.

He flips me over. “Don’t care.” With a rock of his hips, he rubs the piercings over my clit. My eyes roll back as I dig my nails into his obliques. “Fuck.” Another hiss from his lips. “I need to be inside you.”

“What’s taking so long then?” I lick along his jawline, then bite the angle of his jaw.

Fingers comb through my hair, fist the locks and yank to the side. He nips and peppers kisses over my cheek, my jaw, my throat until he reaches my ear.

“I need to feel you, Peyton.” He lifts enough for our gazes to meet. “I’m clean. Got tested weeks ago. Haven’t been with anyone in months.”

“I’m on the pill.”

Although more than a year passed since my last boyfriend, I continued birth control. The other benefits were a perk, but I also continued taking them in case someone else came along. Figured no harm, no foul.

In this instance, my indifference paid off.

“Thank fuck.”

My hair still in his grip, Micah rocks his hips again and teases my lips and clit with the barbells. I carve new crescent moons into his flesh and bite down at the curve of his neck.

Holy Christ. He hasn’t put it in yet and I am ready to claw my name on his back. “Micah.” His name a moan on my lips.

“Patience, hellcat.” He lowers his lips to mine. “I want to take my time with you. Savor you. Own you.”

Dear baby Jesus. Not sure what I did to deserve this delicious torture, but thank you.

Micah continues to take his time. He worships every inch of my body. Focuses on places I never knew I wanted a lover to pay attention to. Places that spark cosmic pleasure. After my body convulses a second time, he finally shows me what sex with ladders is all about.

Needless to say, I will never look at a ladder and not blush. Micah may have slutted around town more than a year, but I reap the benefits in the end. Because no chance in hell anyone else in the future will enjoy the Micah Reed adventure. Not on my watch. Not after I felt him bare and engraved my name in his flesh with my nails.

It’s quite possible I had an out-of-body experience when my third orgasm hit. Or I blacked out. To be honest, the likelihood of both happening is conceivable. I won’t discount the chances.

What I do know with certainty… Micah more or less just staked his claim. Marked me as his. Not only on my flesh, but also on my soul.

Micah Reed has no idea what it means to be mine. But from this moment forward, I plan to show him.

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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