A Love So Bright (Insomniac Duet 2) - Page 45


Hoots and hollersmingle with the cacophony of hundreds having conversations. Ping-Pong balls and red plastic cups slap tables. Quarters bounce to the floor. Stacked, precut two-by-fours, grow taller with each move and threaten to teeter.

Bar Olympics night is in full swing. Body odor and upbeat music fill the air. People stand on the sidelines and cheer on the players.

Smaller tables host card games or tic-tac-toe with shots. Bowls of peanuts and pretzels on every other table. While most people here play, several just drink and enjoy watching the festivities. Games aren’t tracked via Roar, but most of the regulars make note of who leads who in the different games.

In the last two weeks, Ani and Sean hired more staff for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Roar has definitely had an uptick in patronage and sales since the changes took place. At first, the newer crowd was easily handled with the current crew. But not long after, it stressed out the former staff. Now, everyone smiles and goes about business as Ani and Sean envisioned—giving time to the customers and engaging with them so they will return. A win-win.

“One more hour,” Micah says as he presses flush to my back, squeezes my hips, and kisses the spot beneath my ear.

“Mmm. Did you have something in mind for when said hour ends? Cause we still have to clean up.”

His chest vibrates as a groan spills from his lips. “Several things we shouldn’t do here.” He kisses my neck and steps back as I spin to face him. “Let’s get an early jump on cleaning, so we aren’t stuck here all night. Then…” He pauses and stares as if he has something to say but isn’t sure. “Maybe we can stay at your place tonight.”

Stay at my place? Micah has a quiet, cozy house with no roommate. Why on earth would he want to stay in my tiny two-bedroom apartment with my best friend slash roommate? Not sure why, but it strikes me as odd.

“Something wrong at your house?”

He shakes his head. “No. Thought it’d be nice to experience your bed for once.”

He wants to experience my bed? What does that mean? My imagination wanders in a blink and I picture Micah jumping on my bed like a child. Compared to his king-size bed, my full will be quite the experience. As in, snug and sweltering and a fight for covers.

But, whatever. If Micah wants to experience my bed, then that is what we will do.

“Sure thing. We’ll pick up food on the way. Haven’t grocery shopped since I’ve been staying at your place.”

His lips press to my forehead a second before he smacks my ass. “Now, get to work, hellcat. Don’t want to be here all night.”

Micah saunters off as Kaylynn approaches with a blinding smile. An all-too-eager smile with dozens of questions. Questions I will not answer at work.

Kaylynn and I have been acquaintances from day one. But that is it. We never did anything outside these walls. Not because neither of us wanted to; it never came up. And now, I am her boss. Although we still behave somewhat the same around each other, there are boundaries we shouldn’t cross. Boundaries I crossed before my promotion. But Ani was aware the entire time.

“Hey, girl,” Kaylynn says as she sidles up beside me. “So, you and Micah, huh?”

“Mmhm,” I mumble, loud enough for her to hear. Grabbing the clipboard beneath the bar top, I inventory what bottles and beers need to be brought from the storage room.

Less than a foot away, Kaylynn vibrates with curiosity. She has never been one to gossip, but I have never been one to spill my private life to people I don’t know well. Yes, we have worked together for more than a year. But… I don’t really know Kaylynn.

Is she single? Married? Divorced? Straight or bi or lesbian? Does she have children or pets? They are all basic questions, but I don’t know the answer to any of them. To be honest, I have no intention of asking either. Unless it is generic conversation and not one where we take mental notes of what shampoo we use and what happens behind closed doors.

Because that is where the conversation seems to be headed.

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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