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A Love So Bright (Insomniac Duet 2)

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“Right back atcha,” I say with a half smile, then press the button on my walkie. “Ted?”

“On my way, Miss Peyton.”

No doubt Ted heard and witnessed the entire altercation. And if anyone asked who was in the wrong here, several would say I asked the woman to leave. Did I need to get physical? No, but she wasn’t backing down or following Micah’s or my request to leave. Her presence was—is—unwanted, and she refused to give in. If I hadn’t taken it next level, she would probably continue to harass us.

Ted helps Rochelle off the floor. Soon as she is upright, she goes on a tirade. “You’ll be sorry, little girl.”

“Actually” —Shelly steps up to Rochelle— “no she won’t. Several of us just witnessed the whole thing. You put your hands on the manager without permission. Were asked to leave by another manager and refused. Then you threatened her. She was protecting herself.”

Well, damn. Shelly is a viper. Not someone you mess with or want on your bad side. Noted. The fact she stepped up—whether for Micah, me, or us both—has my spine straighter and head higher. No doubt Shelly knows Rochelle and has some inkling of what she did to Micah. She would go to bat for him any day of the week. But for her to reinforce me, that says a lot about us—me and Shelly—and the small bond forming.

Rochelle turns her pathetic eyes in my direction. “You’ll get bored of him, just like I did. Then, you’ll wish I relieved you of him.”

I shake my head. “Love that you’re telling me why you fucked around on him, yet here you are.” I look her up and down. “Begging for another chance. I feel sorry for you and your pitiful life. He’s moved on. Found happiness. Found someone who loves him as much as he loves her. And you lost out. If you step foot on this property or come near me or Micah again, you’ll see how much of a bitch I can be.”

Ted guides Rochelle toward the doors as the crowd claps and cheers. I don’t look away until Rochelle is out the door. And for the first time in who knows how long, I breathe.

Until Micah swoops in, cups my cheeks, and kisses the hell out of me in front of everyone. Wolf whistles and hollers to get a room come at us from every direction. The kiss is far from innocent as his hands roam my body. To be honest, I don’t give a fuck. Because one fact is certain in this moment.

Micah Reed belongs to me. And he sure as hell is letting everyone know I belong to him. Wouldn’t want it any other way.

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