A Love So Bright (Insomniac Duet 2) - Page 61

Before I pick up the menu, a woman approaches the table in black slacks, a white button-down with a black tie, a black apron tied at the waist that extends below her knees, and a black towel on her forearm.

“Good evening. Welcome to Dusk. Is this your first time dining with us?”

Micah responds with yes and the woman goes into a small story on how the restaurant came to be. Then, she explains the menu. That this is a five-course meal. The menu is a guide for us to choose one of three options for each course. We can choose the same or different. The main course is paired with wine and dessert has beverage options. The dishes are spaced out to give us time to eat and not feel full as each course ends. Once explained, she fills the glasses on the table with water and excuses herself to give us a moment to decide.

I pick up the handheld menu and stare down at the printed card. The options seem simple, but the idea of choosing just one makes me sweat.

“Hey.” I peek past the candle to Micah. “It’s just dinner.” I nod and take a deep breath. “How about we pick different items so we can try more than one.”

“Yeah. Sounds good.”

When the server returns, we place our full course of options. Micah went with sausage-stuffed roasted cherry tomatoes, spicy tuna tartar, caprese salad, filet mignon, and the chocolate box. I chose the champagne shrimp on endive, caramelized onion and pear tartlets, fig and goat cheese salad, miso-glazed salmon, and berries and cream cake. The server takes our menus and states the hors d’oeuvres will be out shortly before leaving the table.

The moment we are alone, Micah reaches for my hand and I gladly give it.

“This place is more upscale than anywhere else we eat, I know.” I lift my brows and pucker my lips, which makes him laugh. “But… today deserves more.”

I know what today is, but does he? Not that men should be singled out for forgetting dates, but most men aren’t the best at remembering birthdays, anniversaries, or special occasions. At least not the ones from my past.

“It does?” I ask with faux curiosity.

His lips kick up in a half smile. “Don’t play the oblivious card with me. You know what today is.” My eyes go up and to the right as I shrug. Micah shakes his head and chuckles softly. “As I was saying, today deserves more. Which is why I brought us here.” He squeezes my hand. “I never want to take you or our time together for granted. And I plan to celebrate every momentous occasion we share. You’re just going to have to deal with it.”

I laugh. “Is that an order?”

He tilts his head and half shrugs. “Maybe.” He pauses and takes a deep breath. “I love you, Peyton. More than I have loved anyone. And every now and then, I want to spoil you. Take you to nice places and eat fancy meals together. Hope you’re okay with that.”

More than okay. The longer our relationship is, the more I know the real Micah. See his sensitive and caring side. His protective and defensive side. The man who will yank my hair and choke me one minute and kiss me tenderly as we make love the next.

I love all the facets of Micah Reed. And I love that there are still more to discover.

“Guess I’m okay with it,” I tease.

Our time at Dusk passes with small dishes, sampling each other’s food, laughter and our hands connected across the table. After we finish dessert and coffee, Micah pays the bill without giving me the slightest notion of cost. Arm in arm, we casually stroll out of the restaurant, wait for the valet to bring the car up, then hop in and drive home.

“Did you have a nice time?” Micah asks as he lifts my hand to his lips and kisses my fingers.

“Yes. The restaurant was wonderful. Thank you.” I lean over the console and kiss his cheek.

“You’re welcome. And so you know, the night isn’t over.”

“Good to know.” Anniversary sex sounds like a great way to end the evening.

Before long, Micah parks in the driveway and we stroll up the walkway to the house. Not much has changed with the house since I moved in. A few minor details—more flowers in the yard, additional accent pieces inside, picture frames of us and family and friends. I didn’t have much furniture of my own and sold it since the house was furnished.

Micah enters the code to unlock the door and steps inside, me on his heels. On the ride home, when Micah said the night wasn’t over, I expected him to tear my clothes off when we got home.

But Micah is full of surprises tonight. And the sight before me is beyond expectation.

The entire open floor plan glows. Lit candles rest on every possible surface. As does a plethora of flowers. Every type of yellow flower sits in vases with greenery and baby’s breath. I step farther into the room as my eyes dart from one candle and vase to the next.

“When did you? How?” I spin around to find Micah right behind me.


Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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