Mister Bennett (Mister 1) - Page 13

Chapter THIRTEEN ~ Pour Down on Me

“Becca, what’s goingon?” Grant asked and gazed at me with concern.

He reached out and gently caressed my face as I leaned into his touch. Feeling his warmth consumed me and I could stay like this forever. Closing my eyes and taking in his masculine scent.

“I-I needed a minute, I guess...” I breathed as I opened my eyes and looked at him. “I’m really sorry about that. I just...”

“Beauty, it’s okay, you don’t have to explain to me.” He interrupted as his fingertips trailed across my plump lips and I kissed them softly. My lips tingle with desire for him and lingered upon his flesh. “Oh, beauty, I just can’t get enough of you, but for now we have to keep this between us.”

“I know, I’m sorry that I wasn’t myself back there and it won’t happen again. It’s just...” I said as my voice trailed off and I’m lost for words. Not wanting Grant to know how I’m truly feeling. “Never mind, we should get back to work.”

“Okay, beauty, let’s head back inside.” Grant said and nodded his head with understanding.

Grant pulled his hand away and reached out for my hand. Glancing over Grant’s shoulder to see Merlin standing behind him. Eyes glaring in my direction and I crossed my arms to hide our affection.

At least, I hoped we did.

“What the hell happened there? We’ve got a deadline to reach, Becca.” Merlin glared as his nostrils flared and he looked from me towards Grant. I could see his mind working in overtime as he tried to process everything. Trying to make sense of what he’d just seen, but I hope it wasn’t much.

“I’m sorry, Merlin, but I just needed a moment because I wasn’t feeling well. Under the weather, I guess.” I lied as I glanced towards the ground and headed inside. Not waiting for Merlin’s response, because I’m frightened of what he could do.

Suddenly, I’m aware of his angered footsteps behind me as he comes closer. I could feel him closing the distance, grabbing hold of my arm, causing me to spin around and face him. “What the hell is wrong with you, Becca?”

“Let go of her, Merlin.” Grant snapped at Merlin and he released me. “Don’t you dare put your hands on her like that again.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Bennett, but she wouldn’t answer me and I...” Merlin’s voice trailed off.

“That doesn’t give you the right to place your hands on a woman like that. Apologize to her, now.” Grant breathed as his chest rose and fell with anger. Clenching his teeth together and trying to keep it together. “Now, Merlin.”

“I’m sorry, Becca, but it won’t happen again.” Merlin breathed and his eyes peered into mine.

He spoke the words, but his eyes flashed with anger as he stared at me. Unable to believe his words and unsure, he’d hold on to his word. Making me shiver and knowing what he’d do to me if he found out the truth.

“I hope not.” I whispered as I rubbed my arm and felt relieved. Relief that Grant was here and stood up for me, but also fear of what Merlin would do next. Fear that he’d notice too much and that I’d lose everything I’ve worked so hard for. Fear that if others found out, Grant’s entire career could be in jeopardy.


I KEPT IT TOGETHERafter the air had cleared. Keeping a level head, finishing up the shoot and heading back into the dressing room to collect my belongings. I wouldn’t look Grant’s way and wanted to avoid him. I won’t make this mess of a day even worse than it already was. Just knowing what his gaze could do to me and how his presence made my body sizzle.

“Fuck my life...” I sighed out loud with frustration.

“Is it that bad, Becca?” Blair asked and crept up on me from within the shadows.

“God, Blair, don’t startle me like that...” I breathed, frightened by her close presence.

“Girl, I’m sorry, I thought you saw me because you were looking right my way.” Blair admitted with a half-smile and she looked at me with concern. Her neatly kept eyebrows knitted together, and she remained puzzled. “Are you alright?”

“No, no, I’m not alright because I made a mess of the day.” I sighed with frustration. “I apologize, I didn’t even know you were here.”

“Well, your mind is somewhere else and you could use a distraction. I’m just on my way out, but we could grab a drink or something? Looks like you could use it.” Blair asked as she grabbed her purse and placed it over her shoulder.

Grabbing my keys, purse, looking towards Blair and nodding my head with agreement. “Yes, that sounds like a great idea because I could use a drink.”

“Well, that settles it and you can tell me all about it.” Blair smiled and threw her arm across my shoulders. “Your secrets are safe with me.”

I smiled at her as we walked outside and headed towards the nearest place for entertainment. Mixer’s Bar wasn’t far from our place of work. The dark sky rumbled overhead and looked like it could open up at any moment. We ran and giggled with our legs stretched out as fast as they could go. Reaching Mixer’s Bar safely and entering through the glass doors. It’s fairly busy, but we found a seat of our own. Sitting closer near the bar and smelling the alcohol that’s filling the air. Peering out the steamy window and seeing raindrops falling onto the pavement.

“We made it just in time.” I breathed as I giggled and pointed outside.

“Oh, wow, looks like we may be here for a while.” Blair said as we both giggled and the server took our orders.

We ordered a bottle of wine and fell into small talk. I love social interaction and doing something besides working. It felt nice to be doing something normal.

Just like last night.

The memories of yesterday made my cheeks burn red. Memories came rushing back, reminiscing about the passionate sex l had with the famous Mr. Grant Bennett. His kissing trailing over my flesh, fingertips grazing every inch of my heated body and his swollen length thrusting into me.

“Uh oh, what’s going on? Where did you just go? Your cheeks are completely flushed and you’re looking like a horny teenage girl.” Blair asked with curiosity as she grinned at me and tapped her fingernail against the wineglass.

Touching my cheeks with embarrassment and taking a sip of wine. “I do not, I’m completely fine.”

“Bullshit, girl, you don’t have to lie to me. Everything we talk about stays right here and just between us.” Blair admitted as she tapped the top of the table and smiled. “Do you trust me?”

“I trust you.” I admitted as I nodded my head and smiled. Opening up and spilling everything to Blair. Every thought, feeling and everything that happened last night. A vast relief lifted off my shoulders, and it’s great to talk to someone about everything that occurred. I’ve been dealing with this all on my own, but I’ve been handling this poorly.

“Oh my god, I knew something was going to happen after I told Grant where we’d be. I knew he’d taken a liking to you, but it seems to be more? What do you think?” Blair asked as she took a sip of her wine and tapped her chin.

“Well, that’s just it, I don’t know. I’m feeling lost, but I know I have to keep my feelings to myself.” I admitted and finished my glass of wine.

“Well, you’re one lucky girl to get to sleep with that fine piece of a man. So many women would die to be in your shoes.” Blair announced as she raised her eyebrows and moved closer. “So, I have to ask, how was the sex?”

“It was amazing. He made me feel alive, like I was his masterpiece and only his. Let’s just say he’s very skilled.” I teased as I playfully winked at her and we both giggled.

“Oh my god, speaking of the talented man himself, he just walked in.” Blair announced as her wide eyes gazed over my shoulder towards the entrance and her mouth went wide. “Holy shit!”

I turned around quickly and saw Mr. Grant Bennett himself. Bodyguards surrounded him as shocked women swooned and they gazed upon him striding into the bar. The crowd grew louder with his entrance, and his gorgeous green eyes searched until they fell upon mine. Stopping and drawing me in as I get up and head towards him.

“Becca, Becca, stop! It’s not a good idea.” Blair cried out with warning, but my body wouldn’t listen and crept closer.

Suddenly, there were bright flashes of light, and the crowd swarmed towards Grant. His bodyguards have him retreat, but his eyes never leave mine and he points towards the back of the bar. Signaling me to meet him out back and away from the growing crowd, which appears to be getting very rowdy. They pushed his body out the front door and I headed for the back. I found the back door to Mixer’s Bar and walked outside into the rain. It poured down on my body and soaked my dress as it clung to me. My hair splashing this way and that as I panic, looking around for Grant. Breathing heavily with the rain beating down upon me.

What the hell am I doing?

Shaking my head, turning and heading back inside. Before I could make it, powerful hands spun me around and my body collided with another. Soft and powerful lips came crashing down on mine. Moaning as my back hits the brick wall behind me and those powerful hands roam over my body with need. My eyes remained closed, but I didn’t have to open them to know it’s Grant. His tongue thrusted into my mouth and we breathed heavily with the rain beating down upon us. My erect nipples poked through the wet fabric and caressed his chest.

His hands tucked under my ass and lifted me up with my legs wrapped around his waist. His kisses trail down my neck and I throw my head back. “Someone might see us, Grant we shouldn’t be doing this...”

“I don’t fucking care, beauty. I want you so bad my entire body has been craving you all day. I can’t hide like this much longer.” Grant breathed and my hips rocked against his hard cock.

I couldn’t control it, no matter how much I willed myself to stop. I knew I shouldn’t, and this was my boss. My body took over and took control. He placed me against the wall and my hands found his belt. Undoing his pants as quickly as I could because I wanted him to fuck me. Wanting to feel him deep inside me, consuming me and filling my ache that needs only him. Grant spun me around and I squealed out with delight. He lifted my dress, and I placed my hands against the rough bricks. I felt his hard length caress my bare ass, and he pulled my thong aside. My pussy throbs for him and he teases me. I looked back at him as the rain poured down and he grabbed my hair. He thrust into me and I cried out with pleasure. His thrusts are hard and fast. Feeding the hunger and need we have for one another. He pulled on my hair even more and I threw my head back. Clinging to the brick to balance me as his thrusts become more frantic and our climax climbs. My ass bounced against him and a loud smacking sound filled the air. Turning me on even more, I’m crying out for him and didn’t care if anyone saw us. Not caring if anyone found out because I wanted him and only him.

My entire body shook, and my climax took hold. Grant growled as he kept the pace, and I saw a light shine before my eyes. Crying out his name as I climb over the edge and he follows me. “Oh, yes, Becca!”

We both breathed heavily as we fell against the wall and Grant’s still placed inside me. His enormous cock throbbed with the aftershock against my pussy walls. His arms wrapped around me and held me close as he pulled out. I smiled as I turned and sweetly kissed his lips. He brushed the hair from my face, fixed my dress and worked on himself soon after.

“That was amazing, beauty.” Grant admitted as he reached for an umbrella that I hadn’t seen earlier. He opened it up, and the rain stopped beating down on us.

“Always a gentleman, aren’t you, Mr. Bennett?” I teased as I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He kissed my forehead, and I tucked my head under his chin.

“Only for you, beauty, only for you.” Grant whispered to me and we cuddled beneath the umbrella. The rain pouring down with his words tugging at my heartstrings. Spending stolen moments together away from prying eyes or so we’d thought.

Tags: Breanne Bergie Mister Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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