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Mister Bennett (Mister 1)

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Chapter TWENTY-TWO ~ Unannounced Visitor

I glanced out my kitchenwindow and watched Gabriella play outside. She gracefully prances and looks at the trees in the field nearby. She wanted so badly to take her camera outside and take pictures of the trees. Her beautiful hair blows with the breeze and her bright blue dress flows in the air.

“Gabriella’s outside again taking more pictures for me.” I giggled as I smiled and spoke into my cell phone. “She reminds me of myself when I was her age.”

“You know who else she reminds me of?” Amelia teased, as her voice pierced my ear and I leaned against the countertop. “Her father, you know, that guy who just stopped by your office the other day. The one who confessed he wants to be with you and only you. He told you everything you’ve always wanted to hear, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to be with him because you’re afraid he will hate you once he learns the truth.”

“Yes, Amelia and I have every right to be afraid because he very well could.” I said, as I frowned and looked at my daughter. “You know how badly I want to be with him. It was so hard to lie to him and I didn’t want to.”

“So don’t, Becca, tell Grant the truth. You deserve to be happy and that little girl deserves to know her father.” Amelia pleaded with her voice full of seriousness.

“I-I don’t know, Amelia, I just can’t take that chance.” I sighed as I washed the dishes and tried to keep my mind distracted. “Besides, he’s still famous, and I don’t want to be the one to ruin his career. There’s just too much at stake here with the truth and it’s better if it stays hidden.”

“You know I’m not giving up yet because you deserve to be happy and with the one you’ve loved all along.” Amelia breathed through the phone line. “I may be your boss, but I’m also your friend and I will always want what’s best for you.”

“I know, Amelia, and I love how much you care, but right now, I’m not ready. I don’t know if I ever will be.” I admitted as I rinsed off a dish and sat it up straight to dry.

I continued to wash as Amelia dropped the subject and talked about work. She filled me in on the photoshoot we’d just completed and it had been a success. The pictures were the right fit and would be featured in a top magazine. Putting us right in the eyes of major businesses and creating much more traffic for Amelia’s Photography.

“If it wasn’t for Grant, this may not even be happening.” Amelia explained and I’m surprised by the news.

“What do you mean if it wasn’t for Grant?” I asked, curiously.

“Well, I meant exactly that. Grant went all out for us because he recognized your photography and he knows you're good. He pushed for us to get this opportunity and we have no one to thank, but him.” Amelia responded and her voice piped happily through the phone line.

I looked up to check on Gabriella and couldn’t see her. “Hold on a second, Amelia. I don’t see, Gabriella.”

“What do you mean you don’t...” Amelia said as her voice faded, I placed the phone on the countertop and headed for the front door.

I got my shoes on and just as I was about to open the front door; I saw a tall figure through the glass window. He’s standing beside the tree and smiling at Gabriella as she takes his picture. His gorgeous body poses for her sweetly as she giggles and clicks. It’s then I realized what had happened and my hand covered my mouth. I ran towards my cell phone and picked it up.

“Oh my god, Amelia! You would never guess who’s here and with Gabriella outside, right now.” I panicked as I peeked out the window and felt like a silly schoolgirl spying on my crush. “It’s Grant, and he’s talking with my daughter! Our daughter, Amelia! What on earth do I do?”

“What? How does he even know where you live?” Amelia asked with disbelief and she sounded just as shocked as I felt at this very moment.

“I do not know, but I’m going to find out.” I said with a determined tone as I looked at them playing together and Gabriella smiled up at her father cheerfully. “I’m going to go out there right now to confront him.”

“All right, that’s it, Becca, take charge of the situation, but just remember to stay strong.” Amelia said as her words felt positive, but negatively steered inside with fear.

What happens if Grant could see the truth?

What if he figured out Gabriella’s his child and I’ve kept her from him all these years?

I felt adrenaline surge throughout my body as I walked towards the front door and spoke goodbye to Amelia. The adrenaline soon turned to fear as I opened the door, and the cool breeze collided with my face. It caused me to shiver as I walked forward towards my unknown faint and I’d hit it head on. I saw Gabriella point and smile in my direction as Grant spun around to see me walking towards them. My heart dropped as she took his hand in hers and innocently brought him towards me. The moment touched my soul, seeing them together the way it should be, but made me so sad because it had never been and could never be.

“Momma, look I made a new friend, and he’s here to see you.” Gabriella announced as she strolled up and still held Grant’s hand in her tiny one. “He was helping me take pictures, and I had so much fun.”

“You’ve got quite an amazing little photographer here, Becca. How come you never told me?” Grant asked as he curiously looked down at Gabriella and back at me.

“H-how come I never told you what, Grant?” I stammered nervously as I looked at him, and my thoughts ran wild with fear.

“Well, you never told me you had a child. I just never thought you were with someone else? Is there someone else, Becca?” Grant asked suspiciously as Gabriella let go of his hand and looked up at me.

“You mean does my momma know my daddy? Yes, she does, but he’s not around anymore.” Gabriella interrupted as she grabbed her camera and skipped away to play. Her innocence followed as she went, and my heart swelled with love.

“How old is she, Becca?” Grant asked as he watched her, his eyes danced and they followed her. He looked back at me with questions filling his beautiful green eyes, and his face appeared full of concern. “How could her father just leave such an innocent little girl?”

All I could do was look at him and not answer. It’s almost as if time stood still and I’m frozen with it. Not wanting to lose him when he finds out the truth. My whole being felt lost until he reached out and caressed my cheek. He stared into my eyes, and I felt as though I could get lost in him just one last time. I didn’t want it to be the last time, and I wasn’t ready to never see him again.

How am I supposed to answer these questions when all I wanted was to be near him?

How am I supposed to go on with this lie when all I want is to tell him the truth and get it over with?

“Gabriella, come on, honey, we need to have lunch!” I cried out as I moved away from Grant and placed some distance between us. I needed to get away from him before he found out the truth, and I really lost him forever. “I’m sorry, Grant, but I should get going. We have a big day planned, and I wasn’t expecting you to just drop in.”

“Oh, it’s all right. I understand, but I just wanted to stop by and talk with you. I wasn’t expecting to see you with a child and it caught me by surprise.” Grant admitted as he half smiled and looked towards his car.

“I can understand and I just didn’t honestly think anything of it, but I really have to go.” I breathed as I took Gabriella’s hand in mine and tugged her towards the front door.

“But momma, your friend is really nice and I wish he could stay.” Gabriella pleaded as she tugged on my arm and frowned up at me. “He was teaching me so much. Could he come back sometime, momma?”

I peered down at her innocent and sweet face. She looked up at me with big piercing green eyes and I gazed towards her father. “Okay, he can come back sometime, but only if he wants to. I’m not promising anything.”

“I would absolutely love to come back for a longer visit and spend time with you.” Grant grinned as he got down to her level and my knees grow weak.

He’s so good with her, and it’s so natural. Their connection seemed to be undeniable, but only to me. I knew the truth, and this truth was one that I wanted to keep. This truth was something that no one else could know and as we watched Grant Bennett drive away, I couldn’t help but wonder how much longer till he found out the actual truth?

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