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Mister Bennett (Mister 1)

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Chapter TWENTY-FOUR ~ Enraged Encounter

I’m late for work asI rummaged around and tried desperately to find my keys. Moving papers, objects and everything I could think of as I try to find them. I thought I’d left them on the kitchen counter, but I seemed to have misplaced them. I was behind this morning because Gabriella wanted her hair done just right for her big presentation at school, and that had been my number one priority. Amongst all the fuss, I had forgotten about myself and now I’m paying the price.

“Where the hell could I have left them?” I asked myself out loud and glanced around the room in frustration.

I continued to look, and my search brought me towards the living room. That’s when something caught my eye and it wasn’t a sight I was expecting to see this morning. Especially after having that run in with him the other day. His face smiled back at me on Gabriella’s camera screen and made me come to a complete stop. It brought back a wave of memories, and I remembered his handsome face on my camera screen as I captured him. Remembering our brief touches that would seem innocent to others, but sizzle with lust. Our times of passion hidden away from the public eye, or so we’d thought. Until one day it had become too much and I had to leave. Leaving behind everything I’d worked so hard for, but most of all, I had to leave the man I’d fallen in love with. I felt tears burn my eyes and remembered Grant’s words. His empowering words of not giving up on me and wanting us to be together. It’s everything I’d ever wanted, but it’s too late. I glided over to the camera and quickly shut it off. Closing off my heart from the pain I already feel and trying to move forward. I shook my head and continued my search.

Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door and I frowned at the sound. I wish I had a window to see because I couldn’t figure out who would be here this early in the morning. I moved towards it as the knocking wouldn’t stop and whoever was behind my front door was persistent.

Who the hell could it be?

“I’m coming, I’m coming, just hold on a second!” I shouted as I reached for the doorknob and opened the door as the wind blew in my face. “What is so...”

I froze on the spot and stared at the face that glared back at me. His face brings back all the memories that I’m trying so hard to forget, but continues to haunt me. His face was familiar, but his eyes scared me. Eyes glaring into mine with an anger that I hadn’t seen in a long time. The last time I’d seen that glare in his stare was back when he warned me to stop before I ruined Grant’s life and my own. Now here he was once again looking at me with the same anger as once before, and I knew deep down this wouldn’t be good.

“Hello, Becca. I never thought I would see you again, but here you are.” Merlin glared as his nostrils flared and he grabbed the door. “What’s wrong, Becca? Aren’t you going to invite me inside?”

“W-what are you doing here, Merlin?” I stammered as I stepped back, and my body trembled uncontrollably. “Why are you here?”

“Oh, I’m just here because I needed to tell you something and I just couldn’t wait any longer.” Merlin admitted as he pushed his way inside with the door wide open behind him and he towered into my home.

“I-I don’t understand why you’re here? I left long ago and didn’t come back. It should extremely thrill you and from the looks of the fundraising event Grant’s doing well.” I said nervously and fidgeted with my hands.

“Oh, you did, did you? Well, sometimes the past has a way of creeping back to the surface and you, Becca...” Merlin said as his hand opened and closed. “You’re the reason I’m here when I should be working.”

“I don’t understand what’s going on, but I would like you to leave.” I breathed as I pointed towards the door and my hand shook with fear.

“You want me to leave just like you left Grant after fucking him when you shouldn’t have been!” Merlin shouted, and he stepped closer. I backed up with my body bumping into a table behind me and causing me to jump with surprise. “You were fucking him when all you had to do was take pictures of him, but you couldn’t help yourself and had to be a little slut!”

“P-please just leave. It was a long time ago, and this is very out of line. I’m going to call the police if you don’t back off.” I breathed; my body trembled with fear of what could happen next.

Merlin stood before me, panting, as his nostrils flared with anger and his eyes shone with rage. Peering down towards his hands, clenched in fists, remaining at his sides. All directed at me as my body pressed against the wall in my living room and my mind whirled. There’s no way out, and he had me trapped.

“You’re going to call the police? Why would you do that when we’re just catching up?” Merlin asked as he reached forward quickly and grabbed my arm roughly. “We have so much to talk about, Becca.”

Merlin yanked me close, and I gasped as his furious breath touched my cheek. I turned my head from him with disgust, and he breathed into my ear. “You honestly didn’t think I wouldn’t know? That I’d just let you fuck around with everyone’s lives while you did as you pleased? Did you honestly think Blair was your friend? I knew all about you because of her, but I left her with no choice. She had to do what I wanted or else she wouldn’t have a job. So, she had no problem with ratting on you to me all those years ago and bringing me all the information I needed.”

I looked up into Merlin’s evil eyes, bewildered as I couldn’t believe what I heard him admit, and now it all made sense. Blair’s strange phone call all those years ago and her wanting to tell me something. This was it, and it all made perfect sense. Making me sick to my stomach, knowing I was being spied on and disrespected to no end.

“You fucking disgusting pig. How dare you walk into my home, lay your hands on me, and disrespect me the way you have? This all happened years ago, and you got your wish.” I glared as I yanked my arm out of Merlin’s grasp and spoke through clenched teeth. My adrenaline took hold, and I had enough.

“You think this is all over?” Merlin laughed hysterically as he stepped back slightly and looked back at me. He appeared to have gone completely mad, and my body trembled once more. “I’m not leaving until you get what you deserve. I’m going to make you wish you never told Grant what I’d done all those years ago. I’m going to make you regret it and you’re going to be sorry, Becca.”

“I-I don’t understand what you’re talking about? I did nothing to you...” I trembled and my teeth clattered.

“You did nothing to me? You got me fucking fired, Becca! Grant fired me today because you told him what I’d done! Now my career that I worked years to build is finished. You’re going to pay for this.” Merlin retorted as he moved forward so quickly and pushed me to the ground in his fit of rage.

“Merlin, no! Stop it!” I shouted as he stepped forward and raised his clenched fist to punch me. Peering up with fear and covering my face with my hands. “Please stop!”

“Merlin, get away from her, you fucking bastard!” A dangerous voice growled just as I looked towards Grant. Stepping forward with his fist, headed straight for Merlin’s face.

“Grant, what the....” Merlin cried out in surprise just as the blow connected with his face and he fell to the ground. Blood gushed from his nose as his hand covered it, and Merlin’s shocked face stared up at Grant’s. “What the hell, Grant? I’m fucking bleeding!”

“That’s not all you’re going to be doing once I’m done with you.” Grant breathed angrily as he clenched his fist tightly and got ready to swing again.

“Wait, Grant, wait! Did you know this fucking bitch was pregnant and ran off with your baby?” Merlin shouted as the words hung in the air and my entire world crumbled right before my shocked eyes.

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