Mister Bennett (Mister 1) - Page 25

Chapter TWENTY-FIVE ~ Earth Shattering Truth

Grant stood there,frozen, and stared at Merlin. He shook like a coward and gazed up at Grant through his fingers that shielded his face. Merlin breathed heavily as he got up quickly and looked towards me. The look of fear faded from his face and was replaced by the look of victory. His lips curled up into an evil smile, and he knew he’d won. Tears blurred my vision as shock hit me full force, and I knew my life was about to change. In the end, it wasn’t just his fault, but my very own. I’d chosen to keep this a secret and run away. Now I had to face my demons and the choices I’d once made. I watched as Merlin ran off like the disgusting coward he was after blowing Grant’s world apart. All I wanted to do was take him into my arms and make it better, but I knew I couldn’t. I was probably the last person he wanted to see right now and couldn’t blame him for one second. I kept his beautiful daughter from him and didn’t even give him a choice. Instead of me telling him the exciting news all those years ago, his world had to be blown apart by a man who never gave a damn about anyone but himself.

“Becca, is this true?” Grant whispered and his eyes looked towards my favorite picture of our daughter that sat on my mantle. “Is that beautiful little girl my daughter?”

Grant’s piercing green eyes looked back into mine as tears blurred my vision and fell down my face. “Yes, Grant it’s true. Gabriella is your daughter.”

I moved towards him with my hands extended, but Grant held up his own and I knew to stay away. “I’m sorry, but I should’ve told you as soon as I found out. I-I tried and drove to you after the pregnancy was confirmed, but Merlin was at your house. He said that you...”

Grant shook his head in disbelief, backed away and headed straight towards the door. “I can’t, Becca, I just can’t hear it right now...”

“Grant, please just let me try to explain. Please, Grant, I love you and I...” I said, but the words fell on an empty room as Grant left and didn’t look back.


I WENT TOWARDS MY FRONTdoor and closed it tightly. I fell to the floor with my back against the door, and all I could see was the look on Grant’s face as it replayed in my mind. The look of shock as the words stunned him and turned to betrayal, because everything he knew turned out to be a lie. The secret I’d once kept was out, and Grant didn’t even want me near him. He wouldn’t even let me touch him, and I couldn’t blame him. I couldn’t even stand myself and I don’t know how to fix this.

Was it even possible to fix this mess I’d created?

My body shook uncontrollably as I sobbed and let all the emotions I’d kept inside out. All those years of secrets and lies. All the sadness, anger, jealousy and loss came pouring out of my body. I cried on the floor and let my body fall even more. Falling until I lay there as the tears roll down onto my carpet and my hands cover my face. All I wanted was Grant, and ever since I’d met him, I knew I loved him.

How could I do this to someone I love?

What kind of monster am I for keeping his own child from him?

How could anyone ever forgive me?

Just then, Gabriella’s sweet face came to my mind and how this was going to affect her. She’d find out one way or another. I should’ve known this would happen, and it’s all my fault. My beautiful child may have to suffer because of my mistakes.

How could I keep this from her?

What kind of mother am I?

Suddenly, the chimes of my cell phone rang out over top of my uncontrollable sobs and I pulled myself up off of the floor. My body wobbled as I felt unsteady and my mind clouded with raw emotion. I wished this was all a bad dream that I’d wake up from at any moment and make everything right, but this was reality. I have to face what comes next and deal with the choices I’d made.

My hand shook as I answered my phone and brought it to my ear. “Hello?”

“Becca, where are you? Is everything okay?” Amelia asked, her voice rang through with concern.

“No, Amelia, everything’s not okay, and it’s a colossal mess. All I want to do is fix it, but I don’t know how.” I sobbed as I let my body collapse onto the couch and sank back into the cushions. “Grant knows, and he knows everything. I have torn apart my life, and it’s all my fault.”

“Oh my god, Becca, I’m so sorry, but I knew something was wrong because you’re never late like this. Oh, gosh, do you need me to come over?” Amelia sighed, and I shook my head.

“No, there’s nothing you can do for me here, and I’m in absolutely no shape to come into work today. I don’t even know how the rest of the day, let alone the rest of my life, is going to go. All my past mistakes just blew up in my face.” I breathed, and my mind reeled with remembrance. “You should’ve seen his face, Amelia. He hates me and wants nothing to do with me. I’m so worried about what he’s going to do next because Gabriella knows nothing and she shouldn’t have to worry about this.”

“Becca, I don’t think he’d do anything to hurt his child. He just doesn’t seem like that kind of man, and I doubt he hates you. You just need some time to calm down and so does he. Once the air has cleared and you’re both thinking clearly, I just know he will come to you.” Amelia’s voice spoke positively and it made me calm down.

“You think so? Oh, I don’t know, Amelia. He looked so betrayed. He wouldn’t even let me touch him or explain myself.” I said, frowning.

“Well, can you blame him, Becca? The guy just found out he had a daughter, and you kept it from him. How did the truth come out, anyway?” Amelia asked with confusion.

“It was all Merlin’s fault, that poor excuse of a man. He came here because Grant fired him for what happened all those years ago and he was a madman. He barged into my house and laid his hands on me. I was frightened, and he was going to hit me, but Grant showed up. He punched him right in the face and just like a coward, let the whole secret out just to save himself. Taking me down with him one last time.” I explained as I sat up and glared towards the scene where it’d happened.

“Goddamn asshole, what a piece of shit. I’m just so sorry it had to turn out like this.” Amelia breathed and it sounded like she paced across the floor.

“I know, and so am I. You tried to warn me and I should’ve listened because he should’ve heard it from me. He shouldn’t have heard it from some selfish pig who never gave a fuck about him.” I glared and my head fell into my hands.

“Well, it’s over and you’ll have to see how this all turns out.” Amelia breathed, and I nodded my head. “I better get going because duty calls, and it’s going to be busy without you here. You need to get your thoughts sorted out and your shit together.”

“Yes, I definitely need to get my shit together.” I giggled at her comment and half smiled. “Thank you, Amelia, for always being there for me when I need you. I’ve never had a friendship like this before and I treasure it.”

“Oh gosh, now you’re going to have me crying and messing up my makeup, girl!” Amelia exclaimed, and she sniffled through the phone line. “Well, I love you, and you got this. You’ve been through a lot, but you’re strong. Just remember why you did this in the first place and explain that to him when he’s ready. He needs your honesty and just see where it goes from there.”

“I’m listening to you this time and I’m not making that mistake twice.” I smiled, and we shared a giggle. “I love you too, Amelia and we’ll talk soon.”

We spoke our goodbyes, and I disconnected the call. Sighing with defeat and laying the cellphone down on my coffee table. I stared at it as I pondered what to do next and thought about Amelia’s words. This time around I’m going to do this the right way and be as honest as I could be. Grant deserved that before, and I’m going to make damn sure he got it now. As for Gabriella, she would need to know the truth, and she deserved it after all this time. She deserved to know who her father is and get to know him the way she always should have. I needed to make this right, and he deserved an explanation. He needed to hear the truth from me, whether or not I liked the outcome.

Tags: Breanne Bergie Mister Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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