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Mister Lawson (Mister 2)

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Chapter TWO ~ First Impressions

“Now, don’t just standthere, walk with me and tell me what’s going on today.” Drake instructed as his harsh tone brought me back to reality and I brushed off the sizzling attraction I felt for my new boss.

“R-right... That’s me, okay...” I stammered as my blue eyes gazed down at the paper Mindy gave me and I knew not to screw it up. “Mr. Barker’s awaiting his call at seven this morning, you have a meeting at ten this morning in your office, paperwork needs to be completed before noon, you have a lunch date with Stacey, court for two this afternoon, dinner plans with Mr. Hardy to close the deal and finish paperwork before the end of the day.”

“And that’s all? Is there anything you’re missing?” Drake asked as his hazel eyes questioned and he gazed down at me.

“N-no, I don’t believe so, sir.” I breathed nervously as I fumbled with the paper and prayed there was nothing I had missed.

The way he’d spoken made it appear I had missed something, but I’m sure I didn’t. My short legs worked hard to keep up with his long, powerful strides, but I maintained speed beside him. I needed to impress him and keep this job because the bills at home continued to stack up every day. Paying for nurses to come to the house, medical supplies and the hospital visits were emptying my bank account. The pay from this job is the only reason I’m doing it and it’s all for my mom. I need to keep this for her, and I’m willing to do anything to please Mr. Lawson.

“Call me Drake, I hate it when people call me sir.” Drake mumbled as he glanced at his fancy watch and peered ahead. “Makes me feel incredibly old and I need to feel young to stay on top of my game.”

“Okay, sir, I mean Drake. I can definitely do that.” I smiled brightly at him, but he ignored my cheerfulness and continued forward.

We walked towards Mindy’s desk and she half smiled at Drake as he passed. “Good morning, Drake. You look pleasantly pleased this morning.”

“We’ll see about that, Mindy.” Drake huffed as he pointed and waved his index finger at her. “Don’t forget to greet everyone with a gorgeous smile for my meeting this morning. I don’t want to hear about any issues because I’m not in the mood for it.”

“You can count on it, Drake.” Mindy replied cheerfully as she mouthed good luck and winked towards me.

My hands were clammy as we neared his office, and I saw his door come into view. Hoping everything went smoothly and nothing was amiss, because the new boss appears edgy. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye as he played with his tie and loosened it slightly. His hands remained steady as he tugged at his suit jacket and rotated his neck. He appeared restless, but I brushed it off as a poor start to his morning, or so I hoped. Everything I’ve heard about him would steer me in the opposite direction, but I needed to remain hopeful. I didn’t need a cranky ass boss every day to deal with when I had other things that needed my attention. So, I needed to be my own judge of his character and I prayed he’s not as bad as others made him out to be.

“It’s a beautiful morning so far and I made sure to...” I said as my voice trailed off and he opened his office door to darkness. “Let me get the light for you, sir.”

“Don’t call me that.” Drake snapped as he stalked over towards the closed curtains and light filled the room. His face was extremely handsome, but unreadable as he pointed towards the window and glanced at me. “My blinds aren’t open. Why the hell is that?”

I froze on the spot as his harsh tone pierced through my body and quivered. Feeling hot, but nervous and I fidget with the paperwork. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as I meet his gaze and pull it together. I will not let his poor attitude get to me and I need to show him it didn’t faze me.

“Oh, I must have forgotten because it’s my first day after all.” I snapped back brightly as I smiled, and his face appeared irritated.

What a stupid request anyway, and how is one supposed to remember that?

“Well, are you just going to stand there?” He asked rudely.

“I’m sorry about that, Drake, and it won’t happen again.” I shook my head and walked over towards the blinds with my heels clicking on the dark tile.

“It better not, Gemma or I’d hate to replace you.” Drake threatened, and I felt his stare burn into my backside.

Pressing the button for the automatic blinds to open and gazing out at the blazing sunrise. The view’s breathtaking, but I find it hard to concentrate knowing he was looking behind me. Watching my every move as my breath quickens and my body quivers underneath his stare. I’m unsure if he’s upset with me, frustrated or what he felt at that moment, and I didn’t care. All I knew was my body reacted towards him in ways I wished it wouldn’t, and my mind raced with far too many thoughts.

I turned around slowly, only to find my answer as his gaze ran up my body and met my eyes. Melting under his intense stare, but knowing I mustn’t let him get to me. I must ignore this moment of weakness and give him my brightest smile. “Your coffee is all ready for you, Drake.”

His hazel haze broke from mine and wandered towards his desk. Breathing a soft sigh of relief as I watch him glide towards his desk and take a seat. Pulling the office chair up towards his giant desk and taking a sip of his coffee, only to make a displeased face.

“Who the hell would drink this shit?” Drake asked as his tone snapped at me and gazed at me with confusion.

“But I-I don’t understand, it’s black coffee just the way you like it?” I responded to his rude manner and walked forward towards his desk.

“Not cold as fuck!” He hollered as he slammed the cup of coffee onto his desk, spilled it all over and on his organized paperwork.

My heart raced with fear, and my voice rushed out in a stammer. “I-I-I’m so sorry sir, I mustn’t have...”

“Well, you sure as hell didn’t, did you? I’m not paying you by the hour to bring me cold coffee to start my damn day! Now clean up this mess before my return because I have a phone call that requires my attention.” Drake glared as he pointed angrily towards his desk and proceeded towards the door. “And stop calling me sir, Gemma.”

Drake doesn’t look at me while he exits his office and slams the door behind him. My body jumped at the harsh sound and I knew he already hated me, but the day hadn’t even begun. I need this job more than anything, but I’m afraid I may have just lost it. Feeling like I’ve completely blown it all to hell, because Mr. Drake Lawson was the most unforgivable asshole.

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