Mister Lawson (Mister 2) - Page 4

Chapter FOUR ~ Drake’s Past

I sit at my desk typingin the notes I need, and the emails rush in. Lawson’s Legal was definitely a busy law firm, and I realized that rather quickly. Organizing all his upcoming events, meetings and court dates along with the personal touches. Drake was a busy man, and I could see why he could be how he was. Cold and ruthless to the core to keep ahead of his busy lifestyle. The light breeze blew through my hair from the open window I cracked to get some fresh air and clear my mind. Becoming fuzzy from all the work that needs to be organized, and I couldn’t have that. I needed to keep on top of this, and there’s no room for error in Drake’s eyes.

If there was, I’m a goner for sure.

Suddenly, there’s a light knock at my office door and a grey head peeked inside. “Hey, Gemma, it’s your lunch break. Do you want to grab some with me at the cafe and get out of this stuffy office for a bit?”

“That would be just what I need right now after all this...” I muttered as I pointed towards the papers and notes that laid upon my unorganized desk.

“Good, because I’m starving and could use the company around here.” Mindy giggled as I reached for my purse, but she shook her head. “No, lunch is on me. It’s a way to celebrate your first rocky encounter with Mr. Lawson.”

“Rocky doesn’t even describe it. That jerk is rather confusing.” I mumbled, stood up, and walked towards the door as she held it open for me.

“Tell me about it.” Mindy breathed as I walked past her, and we made our way down the hallway. “But Mr. Lawson is very complex and there’s a reason for that.”

“What do you mean?” I asked curiously as my eyebrows knitted together and my heels clicked against the tile with the main entrance coming into view. “All I can see is a complex work schedule, and that’s about it.”

We walked through the main doors, and the bright afternoon sun shone down upon us. The rays of sunlight felt refreshing upon my skin, and I breathed in the warm city air. Looking up towards the sky as tall towers loom overhead and I could see nothing but bright blue skies. Making me smile at the beautiful day and all of life’s precious little gifts. It’s the small moments in life that shouldn’t be taken for granted, and this gorgeous day was one of them.

“Well, there’s definitely much more to the great Drake Lawson and I can tell you all about it over lunch.” Mindy sighed as the fresh air filled her lungs and her hand fell upon my shoulder. “Come on, let’s sit outside on their patio for this gorgeous afternoon.”

Smiling as I follow her lead towards a tiny cafe situated right beside Lawson’s Legal called Coffee Bloom. Small shrubs neatly decorated the busy sidewalk from the cafe’s patio, along with black iron railings laid out evenly across. Flowers blossomed from the green shrubs as I took my seat and bent over to smell them. Pretty pink and purple pedals lightly grazed my nose as my nostrils sucked in the sweet scent. Smiling as I breathe in the sweetness of them, and sit up to gaze down at the menu placed in front of me. A very organized display of food, all prepared for lunch, and my mouth watered at the thought. Not realizing how hungry I was until that moment after my busy first morning at Lawson’s Legal.

“I will get your classic house sandwich on whole wheat please with coffee.” Mindy announced to the server when she came rather quickly for our orders.

“I will just get a caesar salad and a coffee, please.” I said as I smiled brightly towards the petite server and she scribbled down my order with the brick building behind her.

The noise of the bustling city street drowned out by the soft jazz music that played from the speakers of the cafe. Flowers neatly laid out for the centerpieces at each table with napkins and utensils ready for us to dig in. The kind server brought us our coffees and we waited for our food to arrive. The service was rather quick for such a compact, but busy restaurant. Taking my hot coffee towards my lips and blowing softly on it to help cool it down. Watching people walk by as light chatter fills my ears and they cross at the nearest crosswalk.

“So, you were going to tell me more about our boss that everyone fears?” I asked as I crossed my legs and prepared for the story.

“Ah, yes, the significant story of how Drake became who he is today.” Mindy breathed as she peered at me from over the top of her coffee mug and lowered it slightly so I could see her serious stare. “I’m going to warn you it hits a hard spot for him and you will understand why once I’ve finished.”

Frowning and scrunching my face as my elbows touch the table, leaning forward. “It can’t be all that bad.”

Mindy set her coffee aside and leaned towards me. “Oh, yes it can be, Gemma. Drake’s life before all this was one you wouldn’t expect when you see the way he is now, but he became this way because of it. Cold, calculated and ruthless all because of what he’s lost.”

“What do you mean by what he lost?” I asked as the server brought our food and I sat back in my seat, picking up my fork.

“Drake wasn’t always like this and he was a very happy man. The happiest anyone could be after he married Beth. He came into work every day greeting everyone, smiling and my gosh did he have the most dashing smile. His entire face would light up a room and his hazel eyes would shine. All the women loved him, but he only had eyes for his wife. She came into the office every day to see him and helped him through some of the toughest cases of his career. Such a kind and loving soul. You just knew how much he loved her and she was his world. Until Beth Lawson fell pregnant...” Mindy explained as her voice faded and she stared off into the distance, lost in her memory. “I remember them being married for about a year before they got pregnant and announced it to everyone. They were over the moon about the baby and even more excited when they found out it was a little girl.”

Mindy’s face dropped as she peered down into her coffee mug and the world seemed to fall silent. “That must be the picture I’ve seen on his desk with the women smiling brightly for the camera. That must be his wife, but how come I haven’t met her yet?”

“Because she’s not here anymore...” Mindy breathed and gazed back up at me, her eyes filled with sadness. “Beth came into the office one day and was experiencing pain. I’m not sure how she made it, but she did. She was so scared and Drake rushed her to the hospital only to find out she was in early labor with the baby. She gave birth to a beautiful, healthy girl, and she passed out. The doctors tried everything they could to stop the severe bleeding, but Beth tragically passed away. She didn’t even get to see her baby and Drake didn’t even get to say goodbye.”

I sat back in my seat as I exhaled and felt shock fall over my body. The news I’d just learned caused me to feel such sadness and pain for Drake that I never would’ve thought possible. Life changed for him before it even began and his world shattered before he even had time to grasp it. He’s so cold-hearted because he’s lost so much. He’s ruthless because life has treated him that way. Life had taken away the one thing that he’d loved the most, and I couldn’t even imagine how he dealt with that every single day.

“What about his daughter? I’ve heard nothing about her, and I didn’t even know he had a daughter? Is she okay, did something...” I rambled on with fear that life had been even more cruel towards him.

“No, no, she’s okay, and she’s more than that. She’s his entire world now.” Mindy breathed and smiled brightly. “He loves that little girl more than life itself because he understands how quickly it can all change.”

I breathed a sigh of relief as it flowed throughout my body and I could finally see what Mindy had been talking about. How I’d understand why Drake is the way that he is today and he has been for some time now. He’s lost so much and he’s a completely different person now.

But who could blame him?

“How come I don’t see any pictures of his daughter at his office?” I asked curiously and ate my salad. The tender romaine leaves squishing with each bite, the crisp crotons crunching and the tangy dressing filing my tastebuds.

“He simply doesn’t like to because he keeps her picture in the breast pocket of his suit close to his heart. Hope’s his world and she’s the only reason he goes on. He’s a completely different person when she’s around.” Mindy said, smiling softly.

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” I mumbled and took a sip of my coffee.

“Oh, you will, and I’m sure you will love to see that side of him. It’s the way he was before all this and I hope one day he can find that again.” Mindy breathed as she bit into her sandwich and we fell into small talk, but my mind couldn’t stop thinking about Drake. There seems to be so much more to him than meets the eye and I feel like I have more to learn about billionaire Drake Lawson.

Tags: Breanne Bergie Mister Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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