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Mister Lawson (Mister 2)

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Chapter SEVEN ~ Unwanted Appearances

Morning had come quickly, and the day was off to a good start. Much better than my first day at Lawson’s Legal. I remembered everything that needed to be addressed for Mr. Lawson’s arrival, and it ran smoothly. His black coffee was hot and placed on his desk with blinds open so he could see the sunrise. Arriving by his side like clockwork and announcing the day’s schedule, as his eyes peer straight ahead. Remaining quiet like he’s lost in thought and I wish I knew what he was thinking. Drake’s a very hard man to read and silent for the entire walk towards his office to start his day. I almost questioned if I’d done something wrong, but thought better of it. I’d know by his deep, commanding voice if something was amiss. My body hummed to his proximity and remembered yesterday evening. Our close encounter was much too close for my liking. His hand touched my flesh as it tingled and responded to his touch. Feeling confused by the situation because I could’ve sworn, he was going to kiss me. Everything about the situation screamed sexual tension, and I’m flustered as hell from it. If I’m honest with myself, I still am.

What woman wouldn’t be?

“Gemma, you have company waiting for you in Drake’s office.” Mindy announced as she lightly knocked on my office door and broke me from my sexual thoughts. “Drake’s already left for court, but Stacey wants to speak with you.”

“Oh, just my luck...” I huffed as I rose and rolled my eyes. “I wonder why she’s graced me with her royal presence?”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out?” Mindy laughed as she flung her grey hair and I followed her out of my office.

Walking down the long stretch of hallway as Mindy leads the way towards my unwanted visitor. She opened the door for me and half smiled as I braced myself for impact. Stepping into Mr. Lawson’s office only to find Stacey standing there, all in her glory, with her back towards me. But as soon as she heard the door click behind me, she spun around.

“Finally, what took you so long?” Stacey huffed with irritation, and her green eyes pierced into mine. “I’m sure your job isn’t that busy around here?”

Who does this woman think she is?

I simply looked at her, shocked by her words and demeanor. There she stood with her red hair all neatly placed in a fancy hairstyle and she held a hanger looped through her finger. Holding a stunning silver dress that shimmers with the light from Drake’s oversized office windows over her shoulder. Her body language screamed, she’s a rich bitch who could have anything she wanted. She’s up to no good, and all she wanted to do was irritate me.

“Never mind...” Stacey sighed as she shook her head and waved her hand in the air. “Because I have something for you to attend to.”

She struts towards me slowly with a big mischievous grin upon her face, her heels clicking on the floor and tossing the dress into my arms. I catch it and simply look at her, wanting nothing but to wipe that rich bitch grin off of her annoying face.

“Take my dress to the dry cleaners and have it ready for this evening. Drake and I have some big plans and I need to look my best.” Stacey demanded, as she crossed her arms and stared towards me with the hint of ego in her eyes. “Well, come on, time is of the essence, Gemma.”

My blood boiled as I glared at her and pressed my lips firmly together. Feeling my teeth press together and I see red. Every fiber of my being hated this woman and wanted no part in her stupid games. I’m not her slave who will attend to everything she wants simply because she’s Mr. Lawson’s fuck of the month.

I ambled up to her and clenched my teeth together. “I would do just that, but...”

“I will take care of that, Stacey.” Mindy chimed as she emerged out of nowhere right before I was about to tell Stacey where she could shove her dress. I’m lost in my anger and hadn’t even noticed her come in just in time to save my ass.

“Oh, but I figured it was Gemma’s job to assist all Drake’s needs, including mine since we’re an item after all.” Stacey giggled innocently.

My eyes went wide, and I saw red once again. Wishing nothing more than to take her stupid dress and strangle her with it. Every inch of me couldn’t stand this woman and she had another thing coming, but I need to keep my cool.

“Gemma has far too much work to do today.” Mindy responded as she shook her head and she took the dress from my hands. Unclenching my white knuckled grasp from it and prying it from my fingers.

Exhaling as Stacey turns her back towards me and focuses on Mindy. Barking instructions at her as I mouth thank you, and Mindy winks with understanding. Not waiting another moment as she takes Stacey’s dress out of the room and leaves me with her.

“Well, tell Drake I can’t wait for dinner, Gemma.” Stacey smirked as she glanced over her shoulder at me and left the room without waiting for a response.

“Oh, I bet he can’t wait...” I mumbled as I rolled my eyes and left Mr. Lawson’s office. Feeling bad for him, he had to put up with such an egoistic brat, but knowing he’s simply one of the same. Ruthless, harsh and cruel. Wanting everything in life their way and whoever didn’t stand with them wasn’t welcome.


LUNCHTIME ROLLED AROUNDrather quickly after my unfriendly encounter with Stacey, and I wanted nothing more than a relaxing lunch break on my own. The morning had proven to be busier than yesterday, but I stayed on top of the tasks at hand. Keeping up with the paperwork, emails rushing in and phone calls while Mindy was out tending to Stacey’s unwanted needs. Lawson’s Legal was definitely a busy place, but worth every bit of cash.

Turning off my computer for a much-needed break and grabbing my purse, I head towards the door. Only to collide into a firm body and cry out. “Oh!”

“Just the woman I wanted to see.” Brant breathed as I gazed up towards his cocky grin and brown eyes staring into my cleavage.

“Oh, Brant, what are you doing here?” I asked as I stepped back and fixed my cleavage, trying my best to hide it from his hungry stare. “Mr. Lawson’s just out for his lunch break.”

“I didn’t come here to see him.” Brant admitted as he walked towards me, and I cringed. “I came here to see you, beautiful.”

He reached out and I’m left frozen on the spot as his fingers brushed a strand of hair from my face. I’m unable to move, not out of attraction, but uncertainty. I’m left feeling unsure about him, and he just gives me the creeps.

“I want you to join me for lunch, Gemma.” Brant demanded as he gazed at me, and a shiver ran down my spine.

“Thank you, Mr. Bradley, but I’m going to have to refuse.” I said firmly as I took a step back from him and needed some space.

The room felt compact and I couldn’t breathe right through his crowded space, but he stepped towards me once again. Taking my purse from me and heading towards the door. I peered on with shock at his unwillingness to take no for an answer and shook my head at him. “Mr. Bradley, I will not go to lunch with you, please give me back my purse.”

Walking towards him as I take my purse from his grasp and hope he receives the hint. He ran his hand through his blonde hair, and the cocky smile never wavered. He appeared determined, but I wanted no part in it. “Okay, maybe some other time.”

“No, I’m sorry but I’m not into dating at the moment and even if I was, it wouldn’t be with you.” I frowned as I shook my head at him, and the room grew tense.

“We’ll see about that, Gemma.” Brant glared as his eyes squinted and he turned, stalking out of my office.

I exhaled and felt happy that it was over. Something about Mr. Brant Bradley felt very off even more than Mr. Lawson and I wanted no part of it. That guy just gave me the creeps.

“What the hell was that all about?” Mindy asked as she poked her head into the room just as I was about to leave.

“Oh, just a grown man throwing a temper when he doesn’t get his own way.” I teased as I waved my hand in the air and flung my purse over my shoulder.

We laughed as we left my office and I continued on towards my relaxed lunch break. Feeling relief that was all behind me, but I couldn’t help this nagging feeling coursing through my body. Thinking this wasn’t the last time I’d see Mr. Brant Bradley’s face.

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