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Mister Dixon (Mister 3)

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Bonus Epilogue ~ Eight Months Later

My breath intensified, and my being shook. The pain radiated throughout me and was far too great. A pain I’ve never felt before but knew it’s needed.

It started in my belly and worked its way into my back. Pushing down with each wave of pain and I try to hold it off. But it’s so intense and I need to remain in control. Everyone keeps telling me to hold on and don’t push, but my body reacts strongly. Telling me otherwise and not to listen, but I keep in focus.

“Ah!” I cried out in pain as they moved me from a wheelchair and onto a hospital bed.

The day had finally arrived, and my sweet baby was coming. It shocked me when my water broke and Lexi called for an ambulance. The fluid drenched my legs and felt warm. The contractions started soon after that and Lexi tried to keep me calm while we waited for the ambulance to arrive. She wanted to come with me, but knew Cassie’s Blossoms needed her more. I watched her sweet face full of excitement as the ambulance took me away and now, I ended up here.

“He should be here soon; I need him here.” I huffed through the next contraction and clenched the nurse’s arm beside me. “Please tell me he will be here soon?”

“He will make it in time.” She answered me with a reassuring smile and wheeled me forward down the hospital hallway. “We’re almost there and try not to push.”

The next contraction came with full force. I don’t want to push and listen to the professionals, but this baby had other plans. It wants to make an appearance as I feel it push down and want out. The contractions have definitely picked up more than before and I know it won’t be much longer.

“I can’t hold back anymore! This baby is coming and I can’t stop it!” I cried out as I grabbed onto the rails of the hospital bed and the entire thing shook with the strong contraction.

I can’t hold off any longer and wish I could. I don’t want to do this alone. I don’t want to do this without him, but I can feel the baby’s head crowning.

I’ve been trying so hard to hold it off, but the baby didn’t want to. It wanted to meet its mommy and daddy. This baby wouldn’t wait for daddy to get here and was coming this very instant.

“Ah!” I screamed in pain.

Suddenly, a firm hand touched my shoulder, and I opened my eyes to look up into his deep milky brown haze. Filled with worry, joy, and excitement. Relief falls over me in waves mixing with the pain and I smile briefly up at him. “You made it, Mr. Dixon.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Dante breathed, as he smiled brightly and grabbed my hand. “Now, let’s meet our baby.”

My smile turned into determination as the pain took over once again and I clenched Dante’s hand in mine. I laid back and bore down. I couldn’t listen anymore as the nurses stopped my hospital bed right there in the hallway and got ready to have an unexpected baby.

“Get this baby out of me!” I cried out as the next contraction came and I pushed down hard.

With each push, I could feel the tiny body slide slowly out of me more and more. Slipping further out with each one until a burning sensation takes hold. Soon after the relief I’ve been waiting for.

“It’s a baby boy.” I heard a nurse announce happily as they cleaned him off and he cried out for me.

His yearning call fills my heart, full of love that I’ve never felt before. Consuming me as I look at him and can’t believe he’s finally here. Tears fill my eyes at the joyous occasion of my son’s birth, and I can’t look away from him.

He’s absolutely perfect.

His little fingers, ten tiny toes, a cute face that I want to squeeze and a tiny body that I want to hold forever. I’m mesmerized by him and he’s laid upon my chest. I held him close as they wheeled me down towards my hospital room. Upon entering, the doctors got to work on delivering my placenta.

The procedure is barely noticeable as I’m captivated by my beautiful child, who I never expected, but am so grateful he’s here. I’m left in awe by him, the same way I am with his father.

I gaze up at the love of my life and back down at my son. Everything has turned out the way it was always meant to be. All the pain, suffering, longing, hurt and anger has led to this very moment.

And it was all worth it.

“Well, what do you think of this place, Matthew?” I asked my son, and his small hand gripped mine in response. I couldn’t hold back my smile and my heart that swelled for him.

“I think he loves his mommy very much. The same way that daddy does.” Dante breathed as he looked down at us, and his smile never left his face. “Isn’t that right, Matthew Dixon?”

I giggled as I peered up at Dante and back down at Matthew. My son’s name meant so much to the both of us and was the perfect fit. He’s named after a great man that was honorable, compassionate and caring. He’s also the man that brought us together, and my son wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. I will love Matthew forever, but Dante held my heart now. Along with my beautiful son.

“There’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you, Cassie.” Dante announced, as I heard him rustle with something and looked up at him.

My breath caught, and my eyes sparkled. Everything about this moment had exceeded my expectations. The man I love so much stood before his family with an open box and a twinkling ring inside. Glistening towards us with so much promise that it makes my heart sing for him. I can’t believe this is happening, but it’s a moment that I won’t ever forget.

“I know I’ve hurt you and I know you’ve suffered, but I want to change that. I want to be the man for you and be a family together. We’ve been through so much and have come out on the other side stronger than before. And now you hold my beautiful son in your arms and I want to make you mine forever. Please do me the honor of becoming my wife, Cassie?” Dante pleaded with happiness as his eyes glistened with love and need. “Say yes to our family.”

Tears blurred my vision as I peered up at him and down at my son. The two men in my life that I can’t live without and the answer is clearer than ever before. “Yes, I will marry you, Dante Dixon.”

Cheers erupted around us as we drew an audience and I couldn’t believe this could be true. I’m engaged to the love of my life and our beautiful family was just the beginning. Dante’s lips found mine in an explosive kiss that made my toes curl and it gave me promise. Promise to a bright future with my successful business, my precious son and my soon to be husband.

A man I never thought I would see ever again. Until he showed up in town with a secret that would change my world forever and brought me closer to my destiny. A destiny that now sparkled in my face as he placed my engagement ring on my finger and his eyes fused with the promise of a happily ever after that I never imagined would come.

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