Four Flames for Angela - Page 22

“I did. Does River get a hug and a high five, too?” Todd asked, turning to look at the big man.

“Well?” River looked at Angie.

“Sure. I guess he deserves a hug, too.” She turned and held her arms out to River.

“I think there’s a conspiracy here,” she said into his ear.

“One hundred percent, baby. Any excuse to get you in our arms.”

Angie felt a shudder run down her skin. Any time one of the men touched her she got a tingling all over.

“Come on, Angie, we got to go home and fix the house.” Todd tugged on her pants leg.

* * * *

It had been two weeks, and nothing more had happened. Angie and Todd’s life was getting back to normal. She hadn’t heard anything more from Thomas, and life was good. She was excited. Todd was spending the weekend with Felicia, one of the girls who had been at the barbecue. She and her husband, Charlie, had one son, Dustin, and a daughter. Rachel.

Todd was as excited as Angie was. River, Rock, Hunter, and Sawyer were taking her to a night club that was owned by a former firefighter and the place that most of the station hung out at.

She’d spent all day figuring out what to wear. Her new friend Heidi had taken her shopping at the boutique she did marketing and advertising for and helped her pick out a couple of new outfits and lingerie to go with.

“You’re going to knock their eyes out, hon,” Heide had told her when she saw what she had picked out. “You look amazing!”

Angie looked in the mirror. Heidi was right. The little dress she had chosen matched the blue of her eyes and showed her figure to perfection.

Felicia and Charlie came to pick Todd up early in the afternoon so the kids had plenty of time to play together, and it gave Angie time to get ready.

She was ready and sitting on the porch when the men pulled up in a large SUV.

Rock got out of the car first and strode up to the porch. “You look beautiful,” he said as she stood to greet him and his brothers.

River was right behind him. He pulled her into his arms for a tight hug. “I wish you would have waited inside.”

“Why? It’s a lovely night,” Angie said, looking up into his eyes. They were the color of the ocean on a sunny day, not really blue or green, a combination of both. He had little laugh lines in the corners, and her heart melted a little.

“Yes. It’s a beautiful night, but you’re all alone here and if something were to happen no one would know.” River took one hand, Rock took the other, and they led her to the car.

Hunter and Sawyer were standing by the SUV and opened the door for her. After Sawyer helped her in the middle of the back seat, he and Hunter crawled in with her one on each side.

Angie nervously smoothed down the skirt of her dress. It was a little shorter than she usually wore, but Heidi had assured her that it looked perfect on her and made her legs look a mile long. And the guys would go wild over it.

Hunter covered one of her hands with his, and she felt his fingers resting on the warm skin of her thigh.

“We’re gonna have so much fun tonight,” Sawyer said, picking up her other hand and lacing his fingers with hers.

“I hope you like to dance,” River said from the driver’s seat.

“Sam’s has the best hamburgers around. I hope you’re hungry,” Rock added and reached one hand back to pat her knee.

“You’re gonna think I’m lame, but I’ve never been dancing before. I’m not sure I’m any good,” Angie confessed, looking at all four men.

“Honey, you’ll be fine. You’ve got a hot little body, and in that smoking dress we’ll be fighting the guys off. Don’t you worry. It’ll be fun,” River assured her as they pulled into a large parking lot.

“I’ll let you guys off at the door and go park. It looks like there’s a good crowd tonight.” River stopped the car by the door, and Sawyer helped Angie out of the car.

“We’ll go in and get our table, and be waiting for you,” Rock said as he got out of the car and shut the door.

River drove off, and Rock held the door open for Hunter, Sawyer, and Angie to enter. Sawyer took Angie’s hand while Rock and Hunter walked up to the hostess station. It was only a few seconds before she was leading them to a large booth not far from the dance floor, but out of the way.

Tags: Rose Nickol Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024