Four Flames for Angela - Page 25

Angie smiled and relaxed. She’d been afraid the men would be mad at her for what she’d said to the women. “I didn’t want them interrupting our night.”

“Neither did we. Tonight is all about you, honey,” Sawyer said and pulled her in to place a soft kiss against her mouth.

“Are those women you’ve dated before?” Angie didn’t want to sound jealous, but she wanted to know. She knew the men had a past just like she did, and wondered how many other women she would have to deal with.

“We’ve all danced with them and they’ve sat with us and we’ve bought them drinks, but nothing more,” Hunter said and reached across the table for Angie’s hand.

They spent the rest of the evening dancing and laughing, having a good time. When it got close to closing time, the few customers that were remaining gathered at one large table, and Angie got to meet a few more friends of the brothers.

The lights flashed to signal last call, and River went to get the car so Angie wouldn’t have to walk so far. She was standing outside waiting with Rock, Sawyer, and Hunter when they saw Melanie and Nina again.

“Have fun, honey. It won’t last long,” Nina yelled, obviously having had more than a few drinks.

“Yeah! They’ll be back here next week looking for us,” Melanie chipped in.

Sawyer started to walk over to say something to them when Angie put her hand on his arm. “Just leave it alone. We both know they are drunk and trying to get attention. I’m not going to let them ruin our evening.”

“You’re right,” Rock said and pulled Angie into his arms. “Here’s the car.”

River pulled up, and the men helped Angie into the car, ignoring the catcalls of the women.

Angie sat between Rock and River in the back seat. She was a little nervous about what was going to happen. She liked all the men and enjoyed spending time with them, but wasn’t sure about what they might expect out of her.

“Angie, relax. We’re going to go back to the house and see what happens from there. We just want to spend time with you. Here’s a little picture of how the evening is going to end. When we get to the house we’re all going to relax. We’ll start out on the big couch in the great room. If that’s where we stay all night, that’s fine. We don’t expect anything more than you want to give.” Rock reached over and took her hand in his. He started rubbing little circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.

“It will be just like it was at Mom and Dad’s, honey. No one expects anything. We’re just gonna have a good time and get to know each other better. Nothing more.” River took her other hand and brought it to his mouth, slowly kissing each finger.

“Do you like what River’s doing, sweetheart? What if we were doing this all over your body? We’ll start with your fingers, then slowly work our way up your arm.” Rock was talking softly, and River was fitting his actions to Rock’s words.

Between what River was doing and the sound of Rock’s low husky words, Angie felt her body beginning to respond. Her skin was tingling, and she felt the heat in her core. She shifted restlessly in the seat and closed her eyes, trying to control her responses.

When they got to the house, Rock got out first and then reached in for Angie. He took her hand and walked into the house. He led her into the great room and sat her in the middle of the couch.

“Do you want something to drink?” Sawyer asked as he, River, and Hunter walked into the room.

“Maybe some water,” Angie answered so

ftly. She’d had more than her usual amount of drinks at the bar and was still feeling tipsy.

“I think water sounds good for all of us,” Hunter said. He sat on the floor beside Angie and slipped her three-inch heels off her feet. “These are beautiful, baby, and your legs look sexy as hell in them, but I bet you’re glad to have them off.” He started rubbing her feet.

“That feels really good,” Angie moaned and laid her head back against the sofa cushion.

River came to stand behind her and started rubbing her shoulders. “You were so brave taking on Melanie and Nina tonight. I’m proud of you for standing up to them.” He slipped his hands inside the scooped neckline of her dress and cupped each shoulder in his hands, continuing to squeeze and work the muscles.

“I wasn’t going to let them ruin our evening,” Angie said quietly and tilted her head back to look into his sea-green eyes, and he leaned down and took her lips in a soft kiss.

“I’m glad you didn’t,” Hunter said and started working his hands up her legs, kneading and squeezing her calf muscles, stroking her skin up and down.

“I look forward to many more evenings like this,” Sawyer said and sat down beside her.

Rock took the other side and lifted one of her hands to his mouth. “Did you like when River did this in the car, sugar?”

“Mmmhmm,” Angie moaned as Rock took one of her fingers into his mouth. He sucked gently, pulling her finger in his mouth and licking it with this tongue.

“Here, honey, come over here.” Rock leaned over and lifted her by the waist to sit on his lap facing Hunter who was sitting on the floor at her feet.

He lifted her so that her legs were spread and on the outside of his, and when he moved his legs open, so did hers. Hunter moved his hands up her legs to her thighs, taking the skirt of her dress with him.

Tags: Rose Nickol Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024