The Assistant - Page 6

“Do you mind running the employment ad and vetting the applicants? And maybe sitting in on the interviews? You have a knack for picking the right team members and I need you to really weigh in heavily when choosing mine because she’s going to be working in our home and traveling with me.”

I put my hand on his face, my thumb skimming across his lip. He had no idea what he had just said, but I loved him for it. “I’d be happy to.”

His smile told me he was satisfied with my answer and he began to move again, this time lowering on top of me, his mouth going to my shoulder, his dick slowly sliding between my legs.

He was hard.

That wasn’t a shock.

While he kissed across my neck, I quickly thought about the verbiage I would send him tomorrow for the ad I was going to post. I’d written it when the idea for an assistant had first come to me, but I needed his input for the specific tasks I may have missed in the description. Once the résumés started coming in, I would reach out to four applicants and set up interviews for the following week.

Satisfied with the way things were turning out, my toes bent and tightened as I lifted them to wrap my legs around Emery’s waist, welcoming him inside of me.

He teased, but never entered, flirting with me when he said, “I can’t believe you finally did it.”

I didn’t know why, but I felt the need to respond, turning the conversation more serious despite the fact that my husband was on top of me. “Viv will be going off to college next year. Tommy is months away from thinking we’re the uncoolest parents on the planet. I missed so much of their childhood because of my job.”

His mouth went to my forehead and he held it there while he breathed against me, each exhale getting slightly deeper as his tip moved farther in.

“The kids are going to be so happy when they hear the news,” he said.

My eyes closed and a single tear dripped down my cheek. “I know.” I wiped it away before he saw it and when his eyes found me again, I moaned.

Tags: Marni Mann Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025