The Assistant - Page 26

She nodded, squeezing both sides of me before her hands dropped and she stepped away. “Don’t rush out. Stay and read if you have the time. Maybe give that book you’re holding a shot.” She glanced at her watch. “We’re open for another eight-ish hours. It’s your choice.”

She said nothing more and walked away.

But that afternoon it was as though she had written me a prescription. And, for some reason, I had chosen to take it.

I carried the book to the nearest chair, and I began to read. Within a few pages, I remembered what I loved about getting lost in a story, how it would hold me captive, fully immersed with nothing but plot and characters filling my head.

That afternoon, I was reminded of why I needed to make more time for reading.

It sounded so simple, but that day, Bay changed my life.

Tags: Marni Mann Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025