Hooked by Love (Bellevue Bullies 3) - Page 125

“Mom, I just said I stare your boyfriend’s…gag…chest, and I had to deal with my sperm donor tonight. Please, let me drink in peace.”

That makes Jace flinch as Jude shakes his head, but Mrs. Sinclair glares. “Lucy Lane, that’s enough. That man is not welcome in any future conversations, you understand me?” she snaps and Lucy’s eyes widen.

Jesus, before I saw Mrs. Sinclair with her ex-husband, she was sweet, full of sunshine and rainbows, but now, she’s kind of scary. Must be where Lucy gets it from. Lord knows, she looks just like her mom, and I sure as hell won’t be crossing either of them.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Thank you. Now,” she says, taking a drink of her tea before setting the glass down, “Claire, do you need to tell me something?”

Claire looks up, confused. “What, Mom?”

“Yeah, what, Mom?” Jude asks, his face scrunched up as he pops a chip into his mouth.

“Oh, are y’all keeping it secret?”

“Keeping what secret?” they both ask.

“I saw Reese and Phillip.”

“And?” Jude asks, and even I’m sitting on the edge on my seat waiting for what is about to happen.

“They said y’all will be having a new addition to bring to the new house.”

Claire looks at Jude and

he looks back at her, then they both turn back to Mrs. Sinclair. “Yeah, we are getting a dog.”

Mrs. Sinclair’s face falls and she puckers her lips. “Well, that’s not what I thought.”

“Apparently,” Jude murmurs, shaking his head.

“Wait…you thought I was pregnant?” Claire asks and Mrs. Sinclair shrugs.

“I was hoping!”

“Mom, no one is having any kids around here. If you want a baby, have one yourself,” Lucy says and her brothers’ heads all whip to her.

“Really, Lucy!” Jace yells.

“Shut your dirty mouth,” Jude scolds.

“You’re dumb,” Jayden exhales, shaking his head. “Mom, don’t listen to her. And Coach, don’t get any ideas.”

“Oh my God, really, Jayden? You went there?” Baylor asks, gagging and shaking her head. “That’s not okay.”

Meanwhile, I’m cracking the hell up. This is better than TV.

“I’m glad you are enjoying this shitshow,” Jace says, a grin pulling at his lips.

“This is awesome,” I say between laughs as he wraps his arm around the back of my chair. His eyes are dark as they capture mine, and within seconds, I feel like the most gorgeous girl ever. All because of the way he looks at me. Like I’m all he sees in lieu of everyone in the room. His mother’s words scream in my head, and I wonder if they are true. If he does love me. And of course, I wonder if I love him.

But I’m really unsure if I even know what love is.

With Caleb, I think it was obsession. I needed something to hold on to because I wasn’t treated right at home. But with Jace, it isn’t like that. I don’t need anyone now. I’ve learned to be on my own, but I want Jace. I want him more than I want my next breath. Leaning forward, he kisses my nose before turning back to the table as Jude points at him.

“So the showdown will be here in two months, Kings versus Assassins. Since your middle brother and his wife are cheap and won’t get a box in their arena for the family, I paid for the box—”

“He did not. Reese said everyone can come share hers,” Claire says, rolling her eyes.

Tags: Toni Aleo Bellevue Bullies Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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