Devastated - Page 17

“I bumped into May in the hotel lobby,” Eumie Ma explained. “I’m staying here, too.”

“What brings you to Tokyo?” Ben asked of his ex-girlfriend. She was one of the reasons he had decided that, unless it had to do with family or business, sex was all he wanted from women at the moment.

“Doing a photo shoot for a new fashion designer. What about you?”

“Business,” he replied simply. Eumie didn’t have much of an interest in anything outside of fashion and gossip. Kimani would have inquired into what kind of business, and he would have been happy to indulge all her questions about the intricacies of real estate development.

He took off his jacket and hung it up in the closet. He still intended to go swimming. It d

idn’t matter that a runway model might be interested in something else.

They were different in other ways, too. Eumie would never want to shoot hoops or play ball of any kind for fear of breaking a nail. Ben would not have been surprised if she had never picked up a ball in her entire life. And while she enjoyed naughty sex, she had never allowed him to use a flogger or any impact toy on her because she needed her skin unblemished for her swimsuit photos.

“Your sister said you’re in town till the end of the week. So am I.”

He undid the top buttons of his shirt and pulled it over head. She gave a small grunt as her gaze traveled over his pectorals and six-pack.

“Maybe we can have drinks later,” he said.

Her cherry-red lips curled downward, but he could tell she wasn’t giving up yet. She crossed one leg over the other, causing her short dress to ride up a little farther. He remembered exactly what her pussy looked like, with its soft white folds, always smooth because she kept up with her Brazilian bikini waxes. Warmth began to stir in his groin. But he continued to undress, unbuckling his belt and pulling off his pants so that he stood only in his briefs.

“It looks like you’re not off to a meeting,” she said. “And I’m done for the day, so...”

He grabbed his swim trunks from the dresser. “I was going to go for a swim.”

He stopped short of inviting her to join him.

“That sounds fun. Maybe I’ll join you after...”

“After what?”

Sliding off the bed, she stood up and ambled toward him. The potency of her perfume overwhelmed him. He had smelled it the instant he’d opened the door. Now that she was inches from him, it burned his nose. Why did some women douse themselves with this shit as if they had lost their sense of smell?

He bet Kimani understood moderation. In fact, he didn’t remember her wearing any perfume during their time together. And she still smelled good. Especially when she was aroused.

His cock throbbed just as Eumie trailed a finger down his left pec.

“You know we haven’t seen each other in over a year,” she said.

“What happened to your British movie star?” he asked of her latest boyfriend.

“He got a little too possessive for me.”

Ben didn’t point out the irony of her statement. Eumie tended toward jealousy, and her insecurity—texting him every other hour if he was abroad and eying every woman with suspicion—had been the downfall of their short-lived relationship. Admittedly, he hadn’t done his best to allay her worst fears, but he didn’t have the time and temperament to coddle her.

“So here we are, both of us single and unattached,” she said.

Her finger now scraped his abdomen.

“How do you know I’m unattached?” he replied.

“Well, May thought you might have someone in the United States, but she couldn’t say for sure.”

Ben would hazard that even if he did have a girlfriend, it wouldn’t stop Eumie’s advances. He looked down at her enticing cleavage, and his urge to swim waned.

“What are you really trying to say?” he asked as her finger slid over his crotch. His cock hardened.

“I think you know what I’m suggesting.”

Tags: Em Brown Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025