Devastated - Page 33

“Not yet. I passed the info on to the San Francisco D.A., and she asked the paper to hold off on anything, so you can’t tell anyone that the D.A. is investigating the Scarlet Auction.”

“It’s too bad. It was a neat concept. I guess we weren’t one of the luckier women.”

“I don’t know if there are any lucky women in this whole setup.”

Silence settled between them until Kimani said, “I did get something out of it though—a newfound appreciation for kink.”

“You mean tonight wouldn’t be your first night with BDSM?”

“The guy who saved me from Jake, he showed me a thing or two.”

Marissa’s mood lightened. “Really? Do tell.”

“I think our ride is here.”

They gathered their things and stepped outside to find their taxi waiting for them.

“But I’m going with you to The Lair to provide moral support,” Kimani added before getting into the taxi.

“Well, maybe you’ll decide to join in.”

Kimani smiled. “That’s a big maybe.”

Chapter Elev


Ben had stopped thrusting, the whirling of his mind taking precedent. He was fully familiar with The Lair. Why was Kimani headed there? Was she a member? He had gotten the impression she was a BDSM novice. Her answers saying she was into all sorts of kink on the Scarlet Auction questionnaire, from multiple partners to golden showers, had all been lies.

But maybe she was more interested in BDSM than he had thought. After all, she’d been receptive to everything he had done with and to her.

Jealousy simmered as he wondered if she had a partner at The Lair—not something he wanted to be thinking about.

“Benji?” Eumie murmured, her face still smushed into his comforter.

He texted Bataar back:

You sure?

Bataar responded:

I’ll have Bill confirm when they arrive at their destination.

Setting down his mobile, he pulled out of Eumie to reach into his bedside drawer and pull out a cordless vibrator. Switching it on, he held it between her legs. She immediately began purring. Her moans doubled in volume when he sank himself back into her wet heat. While holding the vibrator between her pussy lips, he rolled his hips.

He thought about asking Bataar if Bill planned to go into The Lair with Kimani, then he could report back with what she did, who she was with.

But that would be stalking, and it would make him as much of a creep as Jake. And what did he care what she did and whom she did it with? He was responsible for keeping her safe from Jake. That was it. If she wanted to be foolhardy and walk Havenscourt at night, that shit was on her.

Eumie started screaming and convulsing. He held the wand in place till she couldn’t stand the vibrations, then he lowered the setting and eventually withdrew the device. Pulling out of her, he jacked himself off. For a few minutes, nothing but pleasure rippled through him, washing away all thoughts of Kimani and The Lair.

Eumie had collapsed onto the bed, her arms still pinioned behind her by her top. Tossing the condom, Ben lay down on the bed. Maybe it hadn’t been wise to come back to the Bay Area, but he couldn’t have predicted that he would bump into Kimani. And at Uncle Gordon’s campaign headquarters, of all places.

She had walked the entire day. In East Oakland. There weren’t that many volunteers who would do that. Maybe she was sincere in her desire to help Uncle Gordon.

He picked up his mobile and texted Bataar:

Tell me about her walk.

Tags: Em Brown Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025