Devastated - Page 36

“Is that Marissa?” the naked one asked, coming up to them. “Girl, I haven’t seen you in a while.”

Marissa returned a small smile. “Busy, I guess.”

The man furrowed his brow. “How can you be too busy for The Lair? That’s a travesty. And is that a white wristband? I’ve never seen you wear a white one before.”

“I’m showing a friend around,” Marissa said before introducing Kimani to Matthew, who introduced his partner, Caleb. They shook hands as casually as if they were meeting at a coffee shop.

“Well, I hope your friend lets you get your usual red wristband before the night’s over,” Matthew said with a wink before he and Caleb went on their way.

“What do the red wristbands mean?” Kimani asked.

“It means you’re hardcore and seeking a partner.”

“What if you’re not seeking a partner?”

“Either you have a white wristband or you have a collar. Collars mean you’re taken.”

They finished their water. Marissa got a few gummy bears before declaring that she was ready to proceed.

They stepped behind the curtains and were instantly greeted by the sight of three women in the center of the room. The Mistress from the sideboard sat on a Victorian sofa, her legs spread wide open to accommodate a brunette going to town on her. A young blond suckled her breasts.

Warmth crept up Kimani’s cheeks. Though she had witnessed Ryan going down on Claire on Jake’s boat, she still wasn’t that used to seeing other people engaged in sex, up close and in person. Looking past the trio of women, she took in several alcoves surrounding more than half the room. The alcoves each had curtains, providing the occupants privacy if they so choose. The occupants in the right corner alcove had chosen to kept their curtains open. In it, a dominatrix flogged a tall and lanky male. Kimani noticed the woman used a flogger with wide falls, not unlike the one Ben had used on her. She had actually liked the feel of the flogger and wondered if she could enjoy the implement no matter who wielded it.

Seeing another sideboard with water and gummy bears, and needing something to do besides gawk, Kimani and Marissa went over and helped themselves to more water.

“Do you opt for new partners each time?” Kimani asked.

“Not always,” Marissa replied. “I had a steady partner for a while, but he moved to—no, there he is!”

Kimani followed Marissa’s gaze to a tan, dark-haired young man examining the different floggers at a counter. As if he felt their gazes, he turned around. It took him a few seconds in the dim lighting but then recognition seemed to dawn. Setting down the flogger he held, he walked over.

“Marissa,” he greeted warmly.

“Miguel,” she replied, returning a shy smile. “I thought you were in San Diego?”

“I moved back. The startup wasn’t working out, but I got a job offer here.”

“Miguel, this is my roommate, Kimani. It’s her first time, so I’m playing tour guide.”

They shook hands.

“So you’re not playing?” Miguel asked, eying Marissa’s white wristband.

Marissa shook her head. “Not tonight.”

Just then, a sexy young redhead dressed in a skintight cocktail dress appeared before them. “Ladies.”

She presented a silver tray with an envelope on it. With a quizzical look, Marissa took the enveloped and opened it. Her mouth dropped open as she read the card inside.

“It’s an invitation to the Upper Balcony!” she gasped.

Miguel looked surprised. “I didn’t know one could get invited to the Upper Balcony.”

“Neither did I.”

“Someone must like you two.”

Marissa turned to the redhead. “Who’s it from?”

Tags: Em Brown Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025