Devastated - Page 42

She drew in several breaths and waited till he was done smearing her saliva over her lips to answer. “I want to fuck you.”

Heat flared through him. He wasn’t going to last long tonight, but as much as he liked her admission of desire, her choice in words wasn’t lost on him. She knew the appropriate answer involved switching the subject with the object in her sentence.

He also wondered if she intended a double-entendre. If so, the feeling was mutual.

“And I thought you were smarter than that,” he smirked.

Her eyes flashed with emotion. But she’d had her chance.

Holding her once more by the throat, he pulled her up so he could reach the candy bowl of condoms beside the bed. She tried to pull his hand away.

“You can be such a jerk sometimes.”

“Is that why you get so wet for me?” he retorted.

She emitted an exasperated growl and renewed her struggles. Maybe she had changed her mind about fucking him. But it was too late now. He had to have her. Things were going to get thrashed and broken if he couldn’t.

He managed to undo his belt buckle and his pants just before she kicked him in the crotch. Her foot struck him mostly on his shaft, which was so hard it could probably bulldoze a wall. He flipped her onto her stomach to limit her assault. Straddling her, he pinned her down easily despite her best efforts to buck him off.

He stripped off his shirt to release the heat burning through him. Biting on the condom wrapper, he tore it open, then

rolled the condom on. The times he had gotten to take her without a condom, when they had been flesh to flesh, had been among the finest carnal experiences of his life. He wanted so much to relive that feeling, and with her pinned beneath him, he could easily do it. But while he acknowledged himself an asshole, he wasn’t the kind of asshole who would take advantage of a helpless woman in that way.

It was going to be amazing being inside Kimani, condom or not.

Laying atop her, he dry humped her a few times before fisting his hand through her hair and pulling her head up. “Still want to fuck me, babe?”

“Yes,” she angrily hissed.

Coming to his knees, he reached beneath her to undo her button and zipper, then yanked her jeans and her underwear down toward her knees.

God Almighty.

It was a phrase he remembered a lady in the cafeteria at Howard liked to use. She used it whenever a male student athlete would come up to her for a third helping, if a group of students left a particularly large mess at a table, if the weather was exceptionally nice, and when the other cafeteria staff had presented her with a beautiful cake for her birthday. And Kimani’s arse was better than any bloody birthday cake, better than the richest, most decadent dessert.

Lying back down, he aimed his cock beneath her arse and thrust himself into her without ceremony.

She cried out at being filled so quickly.




She felt better than he had thought possible. He needed to lose himself in her, fast and furious. He started thrusting, too upset to see to it that she was as aroused as much as possible. Her copious wetness allowed him to sink deep, but not deep enough, given the angle of penetration. She cried out when he slammed his hips into her, his pelvis making loud smacking sounds against her arse that could probably be heard throughout the Upper Balcony.

He wasn’t sure if she found the position pleasurable, but the primal had overtaken him. Anger and jealousy coursed through his blood. He wanted to punish her so badly. He wanted to drive out all thoughts of Anthony and any other guy she might partner with. He wanted to show her who was in charge, who was the Dom. He pistoned his hips, drilling her into the bed.

She turned her head to the side so that she could breathe. “Fuck! Not so hard!”

He eased his pace and ferocity. Lying still inside her, he savored the sensation of her pussy flexing about him. She wriggled her arse, trying to get some movement.

“I didn’t say stop,” she said

“You wanted to fuck me. Come on then.”

She tried to buck against him. Feeling her wriggle again beneath him, it took all of him not to resume pounding into her. Smothered beneath his weight, her legs straight out behind her and trapped together between his thighs, she couldn’t get much leverage.

Tags: Em Brown Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025