Devastated - Page 66

Would she remember to ask permission?

He continued applying his tongue to her engorged clit, varying the licking and sucking, sliding the tip over her urethra and teasing her slit till her legs quivered. He didn’t need to go faster or harder. He knew the spot that would send her over the edge, and when he decided to give her the climax she sought, he just had to attend it steadily.

Her body shook, first from the orgasm, then from the charge that sparked when he released her. She cried out when he shocked her again.

She shuddered. “”

He rose to his feet and observed her flushed cheeks and half-lidded eyes. She looked beautiful.

“Good news is you didn’t use your safety word,” he said as he removed the cable. “Bad news is you forgot to ask permission.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


Life was so unfair, Kimani thought to herself.

“What’s the matter?” Ben asked, noticing the look on her face.

“You want to know the truth?” she asked.

“I’ve told you before that my problem is with lies. I don’t have a problem with the truth.”

“Let’s’re the asshole who shut down the Tribune and took away my job, yet I’m the one getting punished here?”

He brushed his thumb over her lower lip. “Poor baby. Life’s unfair, isn’t it?”

She yanked at her bound wrists as if she wanted her hands free to scratch his face. Why had she ever agreed to the one-on-one with this guy? How could she have been so stupid? She didn’t want to give him access to her ass anymore. Never mind that he just performed the best damn cunnilingus she had ever had. She felt her initial anger at discovering he was behind the Tribune’s closure all over again.

But a childcare center...that was huge. She hadn’t thought he would agree to it. She remembered that Ben had not been happy with Dawson’s demands, and thought a childcare center made no economic sense for the property his family was developing. But finding a location that made financial sense for the Lee Family Corporatio

n that also worked for the community would not be easy.

She knew he liked her ass, but enough to agree to build a childcare center? When the city might have let the development get away with a contribution to the city’s affordable housing pool, a public plaza, or something less challenging? She wasn’t sure she liked her own ass enough to make such a concession.

Still, this was fifty shades of messed up...wasn’t it? Only the character in that story wasn’t nearly as big a jerk as the guy standing in front of her.

Ben looked at her with emotions she couldn’t read.

“You hate me, don’t you?” he inquired.

“Why, does that turn you on?” she retorted.

He contemplated. “Sure. The thought that you might hate me, yet you still come for me, screaming and shaking...yeah, that turns me on.”

Ugh. Why was there no winning with this guy? He always had the upper hand somehow.

Was there a way to end this game? Should she forfeit so that she could go back to the relative safety of her home? Maybe she’d rather encounter the intruder again.

No, that would be foolish. As much as he aggravated her, she trusted that he wouldn’t allow her to come to any real harm. With Ben, she ultimately felt safe.

He cupped her jaw and drew her to him. “Hate me as much you want. I’m the big bad foreign developer who suppresses freedom of the press. But you’ll still come for me over and over again, pet.”

She stared into the depths of his eyes, unable to deny the truth of what he said. She wanted to reply that the body had a mind of its own, which was only partially or sometimes true. If someone other than Ben did what he did to her, she wouldn’t be aroused. She would be the victim of assault.

So the truth was, she didn’t hate Ben. At least not a hundred percent. But she wasn’t going to admit that to him.

Only he knew it already. And he was going to use that to his advantage.

Tags: Em Brown Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025