Devastated - Page 77

“We had a bet on the game. If I lost, I had to see him for three days.”

“And by ‘see him,’ you mean have sex with him.”

Couldn’t get anything past Keisha, Kimani thought to herself.

“Pretty much,” Kimani acknowledged.

“And I take it this Ben is good in bed.”

You don’t know the half of it. Aloud, Kimani said, “The thing is, I am upset that he shut down the paper.”

“You said the paper was going to close anyway.”

“I see that as dying a natural death. What he did was a gunshot to the head.”

Keisha started brushing out any tangles. “So why’d he do it?”

“He had reasons—legit reasons—but, still, he didn’t have to do what he did.”

“If he had legit reasons, why are you being so hard on him?”

“I don’t know. Because he thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants and get whatever the hell he wants ’cause he has the financial resources.”

“How rich is this guy?”

“As an individual, I’m not sure. According to Forbes, the family is worth over ten billion.”

“If you get tired of this guy, you send him my way.”

“Just ’cause he has money?”

“And you said he has it going on in bed.”

“I didn’t say that, exactly.”

“You didn’t have to.”

Kimani blushed.

“What more do you need in a guy? Hell, if he has ten billion dollars and a halfway decent ass—he has a good ass, right? I can’t take flabby pale asses.”

“He has a killer ass.”

“Then what’s your problem?”

“I have a problem with how he shoves his weight around ’cause he has money.”

“That’s the way of the world, honey. If you’ve got it, why not flaunt it? Don’t resent him for what the good Lord gave him.”

“There are lots of bad people whom the good Lord has granted riches to.”

“Is he one of them?”

“No, but that doesn’t make him any more deserving.”

“Are you trying to right all that’s unfair?”

“I can try to do my part.”

Tags: Em Brown Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025