Devastated - Page 83

How was she going to get him to untie her? she wondered. Was there a way to delay the blow job he wanted?

He smeared the tip of his penis over her lips, and her whole body recoiled in horror. She suppressed painful feelings of helplessness and violation. She needed to do what she needed to do.

“Come on, slut,” he said, “you know you want it. Nothing better than a big white cock, right?”

If it weren’t for the grave situation she was in, she might have retorted that it was complexes around big white cocks that led to so many problems in the world, both current and historical.

“What’s the matter?” Jake snarled. “You like small chinky dicks better?”

She stared at his member. Her stomach churned.

“Can I at least go to the bathroom first?” she asked. “I haven’t gone since—”

In the split second it took for her to see his fist raised, she reacted, twisting her body to try to get away from his punch. It glanced off her cheek, and the floor struck her other cheek when she fell over.

“Jake, would you want—”

Through the haze of pain, Kimani heard, then saw Claire at the threshold.

Claire stared at them with a puzzled expression.

“I thought you were taking a fucking bath,” Jake growled.

“I came to see if you wanted to take one with me,” Claire replied, still dumbfounded by what she had stumbled across.

“Claire, call 9-1-1!” Kimani told her.

Claire blinked several times, then turned to head back upstairs. She must have heard the panic in Kimani’s voice. But Jake had covered the distance and, grabbing Claire by the hair, dragged her into the room.

“You stupid bitch,” Jake spat, shaking her. “I never told you to come up here! But since you’re here, I’ll let you have the first taste.”

After pushing her to her knees, he wagged his penis in front of her.

“Go on, slut.”

Claire started to tear up. He smacked her hard across the face, then took a sip of the drink he still held.

“What’s the matter with you bitches?” he asked. He grabbed her long golden hair again to pull her back up to her knees. “Open up, Slut #1. Or were you Slut #2?”

Crying, Claire was trembling too hard to do much. He pinched her nose, forcing her to breathe through her mouth, and shoved himself into her. She gagged immediately.

“Stupid fucking bitch,” he muttered before hitting her and knocking her to the floor.

She cried harder.

“Look,” Kimani said to Jake, “I’ll do whatever the hell you want. You want me to suck you off? I’ll suck you off real good. Just don’t hurt us.”

Jake smiled. “Now that’s more like it.”

“You want to see what I can do with my hands while I go down on you? Guys like it when I tug their balls at the same time I suck their cock. I finger the perineum nice and good. And it’s fucking amazing with a finger up your ass at the same time. You ever feel how good that is?”

Jake contemplated the idea. “You better not try anything or I’ll beat the shit out of you both.”

Claire sobbed louder.

Jake turned to her. “Shut up!”

Still holding his scotch somehow, he loosened the rope enough for Kimani to get out. He pulled her to her knees and presented his dick.

Tags: Em Brown Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025