I Never Knew Love 'til You (I Never 4) - Page 52

I’m feeling like a teenage version of myself. I went from only having sex with myself to not being able to get enough of this woman. I’d bury myself inside her 24/7 if I could. I’m pretty sure all I need is to have someone say her name, and then I’d be hard as a rock.

I pull her flush against me and lean down to kiss her. Just as my tongue swipes hers, the sound of a car horn outside forces us apart.

“Come on, you two lovebirds,” my best friend shouts.

“Yeah, come on, lovebirds,” my son mimics. Great. Maybe I should rethink how much time Finn and Andy spend together. I sigh, dropping my head to Kate’s shoulder, but her laughter causes my head to bob up and down.

“Come on.” Kate laces her fingers with mine. “Before the entire neighborhood hears those two.” We walk out the front door, locking it behind me just as Finn is fastening Andy into the car seat in Lauren’s vehicle.

“It’s about time you two emerged,” Finn laughs as he shuts the back-seat door. “We’ll meet you guys there.”

They’re already pulling off by the time we make it to my truck. Kate lets me help her up with no sassy remarks. Once settled in, I lean over the center console and grip Kate’s chin, turning her to face me, and smash my lips to hers, picking up where we had left off. Being a parent, especially a single parent, you need to take advantage of being alone, and that’s exactly what I want to do. Being a few minutes late won’t hurt. I’m ready to pull her into my lap and sink my cock into her when my phone vibrates from the cup holder.

Kate is panting when we separate. A lustful glaze sparkles in her eyes. I groan, knowing exactly who it is, but I humor myself by opening it up. He knows I won’t ignore them since he has my son with him.

Finn: Tick tock motherfucker! *Kissy face emoji*

I bellow out a laugh and turn my phone to show Kate. She joins in my laughter as I set the phone back in the cup holder.

“Let’s not leave the man waiting. Plus, I’m hungry. Someone used up all my energy last night,” Kate says seductively.

And she’s going to need plenty of energy for later. Months of tension between us finally exploded, and even though it’s only been a few hours, I’m already needing to be back inside her.

“Yes, ma’am.” I smile as I start the ignition and put the truck in reverse.

Tags: Stefanie Jenkins I Never Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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