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Enchantress (Medieval Trilogy 1)

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Morgana walked through the circle of light thrown by her nearly doused candles. Her heart was filled with dread as she stopped a few feet from Strahan. “Before I go into the castle, set them free,” she ordered. “Garrick, Glyn, and Clare. They’re all to be unharmed.”

Strahan laughed. “Why should I bother?”

“So that I do not kill you,” she said evenly, her eyes holding his.

“Think you that your spells scare me?”

She forced a cold smile. “I think you believe in my powers. Elsewise why would you want me?”

“Perhaps I want you for your beauty.”

“Many women are beautiful.”

He touched her wet cheeks, and she shrank away from his hand. “Nay, not as beautiful as you. But beauty is only part of it. Garrick wanted you. He was tortured with desire when you were promised to me, and that made me crave you all the more. I have waited many nights for this one,” he said. “Aye, I will set Garrick’s family and your sister free, but only after we are wed.”

“I believe you not.”

“’Tis the only way.”

Though she quivered inside, she stood proud. She had her dagger, Enit’s knife, her own hands, Wolf’s sharp teeth, and her wits at her command. These she used now as she whispered, “Know this, Sir Strahan: I have seen your death. With my own eyes I have watched you lie on the floor of Abergwynn, your blood staining the rushes, your body writhing in pain.”

“You lie,” Strahan growled. “No one can stop me. McBrayne is on his way to help me defend Abergwynn.”

“He’s an old man, a man who has betrayed you before, and yet you trust in him. You are more a fool than I thought!”

Fury filled Strahan’s face, and he slapped her hard on the cheek. She stumbled and would have fallen if he hadn’t grabbed her roughly by the arm. “Enough of your lies!”

Wolf let out a low growl, and Strahan froze. “Kill him,” he ordered, motioning to the dog.

One archer stepped forward.

“Wolf, run!” Morgana screamed and the wolf streaked for the shadows. The archer tracked the beast but he was gone. He lowered his bow in disgust as Morgana nearly collapsed with relief and Strahan swore violently.

“Lord Strahan! He awakes!” A burly knight, the one known as Ivan, strode through the ranks of the huntsmen. “Lord Garrick is stirring!”

Morgana was instantly jubilant. Not only was her wolf safe, but Garrick was alive!

Strahan’s fingers tightened in frustration. “Tell the chaplain to make ready the wedding Mass, and have the cook prepare a feast. Tonight Morgana and I will be wed. Come, my love,” he cooed, his eyes as dark as the night, his fingers digging into her soft flesh. “You must prepare yourself. I promise that you will remember this night until the end of your days.”

“I will not wed you unless Garrick and the others are set free.”

“’Tis done,” he said easily, motioning to a servant. “Now, come.”

Pain seared through his body as Garrick felt his pallet being moved. He groaned, shifting his weight, and groaned yet again. His head thundered, his eyes burned, and all around him he heard the excited voices of servants and soldiers — some he recognized, others he didn’t. The smell of smoke and perfume, sizzling meat and baked goods, wafted around his consciousness, dragging him out of the black oblivion in which he’d dwelt. He felt stronger than he had the other times he’d tried to rouse, and yet he was much weaker than his usual self.

“Welcome, cousin,” an ugly voice greeted him.

Forcing his eyes open, Garrick found Strahan, dressed in magnificent gray velvet, staring down at him with dark, malevolent eyes. Garrick started to move, but a huge hand belonging to Sir Andrew held him down against the pallet, which had suddenly stopped moving.

“Oh, don’t get up. You can watch from there.”

Dizzily Garrick lifted his head and found that he’d been carried through the castle and was now in the chapel. Father Matthew was dressed in elegant vestments, and Morgana, the enchantress, stood nearby, her face ashen. Dressed in a white gown trimmed in gold, she looked at him and couldn’t contain the joy in her eyes.

“You’re awake,” she said, but Strahan grabbed her roughly and forced her to kneel before the altar.

“Let her go,” Garrick whispered in a voice that could barely be heard.

“We’re about to be married. You can watch, just as you’ll watch afterward, when I claim her as mine,” Strahan said.

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