The Collection (Contemporary Reverse Harem 5) - Page 19

Chapter 11


“Oh, god. I feel like shit.”

“Well, you deserve to feel like shit, Fantine,” I said, watching my roommate stumble to the bathroom in her thong panty, her little boobs jiggling as she hugged the wall with two hands.

“Thanks, Keal,” she said, slamming the door.

When she emerged, she had her tattered robe wrapped tightly around her. With slitted eyes, she wandered toward me, one hand on the furniture for balance.

I rolled my eyes. “Looking good there, my friend. Hey, I went out earlier. Got you a nice mocha and some donuts. In the kitchen.”

She turned up her nose and shuddered, just like I’d hoped she would.

“Do not even say that to me right now. I’m suffering from the king of hangovers,” she moaned, plopping down next to me on the sofa. “What happened last night?”

“You made a mess at Marlon’s party, so I poured you into a cab, and we came home.”

She smacked her hand to her forehead. “Shit. Oh, shit. I’m sorry. I think I was doing tequila shots.”

“You knocked over a huge houseplant. I think it was a fiddle leaf fig or something like that.”

“Ugh. It was such a cool party, and I made an ass of myself. Well, I’ll send him a new plant. Hopefully, we’ll be invited back.” She burrowed into the sofa, eyes closed against the bright room.

“Um, you might not be invited back, but I think I probably will,” I said.

Her arm flailed blindly, smacking mine pretty hard. “Oh, shut up. Those guys won’t hold it against me. They were cool.”

She suddenly bolted upright, ignoring her hangover pain.

“So, did Cross make his moves? I mean, he’s the one who invited you, right?”

It was funny how quickly she recovered when there was gossip in the air.

“He did invite me. I mean, us.” I gave her my best stink eye. “But what was interesting was that I really spent most of my time with Rand, his buddy.”

She frowned. “Oh. That’s weird.”

“I thought so, too…but I liked him.”

“Well, what’s Rand’s story?” she asked.

“He grew up in the Bronx and was pretty much on a path to nowhere when he was discovered in a shopping mall,” I said.

“Get the fuck out.”

“I know, right? Like when does that ever happen in real life?”

She shook her head in disbelief, and even in her hungover state, still managed to look beautiful. I kind of hated her for that.

“When he started modeling, his dad all but disowned him. He thinks it’s sissy work.”

“Ha!” Fantine laughed. “Might be sissy work, but it’s not sissy pay.”

“Exactly. And he’d like to help his parents out financially, but apparently, his mom’s afraid to take any money from him. Thinks the dad will flip.”

“Oh. What a sad story. God, I can’t imagine my parents doing anything like that.”

No, she wouldn’t be able to imagine anything like that. For heaven’s sake, I don’t think I’d ever seen two parents who adored their daughter more than her folks did. They fully supported her struggling actress gig, although they’d recently made noises about winding down the monthly allowance. Something about teaching ‘independence’ and all that entailed.

“He asked me out.”

“He did? But I thought the other guy Cross liked you,” she said. Now she was really confused.

Just like I was.

I nodded slowly. “Yeah. I think Cross does like me.”

“Oooh. Drama. Cockfights. Wow.” She could barely contain her excitement.

“I’m not sure that’s how it is.”

“What do you mean? They’re going to fight over you, I just know it. At least Marlon and Shane are left for me to pick over. They’re so hot, and you know Marlon owns that gorgeous apartment…”

Hmmm. How to break it to her?

“I don’t think so,” I said simply.


“Well, it seems they’re into something they call ‘sharing.’ Like they all date the same woman.” At least, that’s what I thought Rand meant.


Was Fantine actually speechless?

“Yeah, I was surprised, too.” Actually, I was still surprised. Didn’t know what to make of it, at all.

“Well, well, well. Looks like our little Kealy might be in for some fun times,” she said.

“We’ll see. Don’t jinx me.”

Tags: Mika Lane Contemporary Reverse Harem Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025