The Collection (Contemporary Reverse Harem 5) - Page 56

“Here, sweetie,” Marina said, handing me some milky chai tea. I’d never even heard of chai before I’d met her. Actually, I hadn’t heard of a lot of things she taken the time to introduce me to.

“So, were they pressuring you or something? I mean, what happened? It seemed like things were perking along so well.”

I dabbed my eyes and blew my nose. Poor Marina had dealt with a lot of my tears, lately. But there was no other shoulder I’d rather cry on.

“I like them all, Marina. I thought I’d be able to choose just one. How stupid of me. They’re all amazing, and they care about me. Me.”

Did I still not believe I deserved to be cared about? Some wounds just never healed, did they?

She leaned forward in her chair. “Of course, they care about you. Why would that surprise you? You’re smart, beautiful, kind, and a kick-ass designer to boot.”

I looked down at my hands, embarrassed as hell. Marina was my biggest fan—had been since I first met her. Her support never wavered.

“Marlon offered to finance me,” I said in a quiet voice.

“He what?”

I nodded. “He wants to finance my collection.” My eyes flooded with tears again, and my face crumbled. “But I can’t accept it. It wouldn’t be right.”

“So, you gave up four great guys and an offer to help get your business started?” She shook her head.

Yeah. It had been that kind of night.

* * *

Marina walked me to the guest room that was my home away from home—but which I guessed would be my full-on home for the near future. The sewing machine from Forest had been delivered, and she’d had it set up in the corner. She’d even gone to my apartment and gathered the rest of my fabric, sketchbooks, patterns—everything I needed to dive into making my sample set. She gave me a kiss goodnight on my temple.

Before I dozed off, I reached for my cellphone. “Fantine?” I said, when her sleepy voice answered.

“Oh, hi, Keal. Are you at one of the guys’ places?” she asked.

“No. I’m at Marina’s in New Jersey.” I heard rustling as she propped herself up in bed.

“Why? Why aren’t you with the guys?” She made it all sound so normal.

“I broke it off with them,” I said, fresh tears rolling down my cheeks. God, I was getting tired of this crying shit.

“What?” she said in a drawn-out whisper. “You did? Why?”

“I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t choose just one.”

“Aw, c’mon. There wasn’t one of them better than the others? Didn’t at least a couple of them bug the shit out of you? Like chew with his mouth open? Use the wrong fork? Tip like a cheapskate?”

“If only it were that easy. The problem was, I love them all.”

Oh, shit. I’d just said the L word.

“Wow. Just wow. So, be with all of them,” she said.

I settled into the bed Marina had made up for me. The one I used to make when I worked for her.

“I don’t see how I could.” God, the bed felt good. I hadn’t realized how freaking exhausted I was until I crawled under its fluffy down comforter.

“Look, Kealy,” Fantine said.

I recognized that stern voice.

“Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. You know how many people would like for one person to love them. And you have four!”

But I didn’t have four. I had none.

Or did I?

Tags: Mika Lane Contemporary Reverse Harem Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025