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Tempt Me

Page 44

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“Thank you,” Mia said, and Kate uttered good-bye and disconnected the call.

Mia pinched the bridge of her nose and breathed in deep, holding back the nausea that wasn’t courtesy of the phone call.

She headed out to the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea, which worked to settle her queasy stomach, at least until she brewed coffee for Austin. She breathed in, smelled the aroma, and ran for the bathroom. She threw up the tea and not much else since her stomach was empty.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face, glancing in the mirror over the towel as she dried off. Ugh. Her face was pale, her eyes glassy. But she felt better again after losing what little was in her stomach, and she walked out to talk to Austin before he left.

She found he’d already poured himself a cup of coffee when she arrived, and this time, her stomach didn’t clench at the smell. “Good morning.”

“Morning.” He lifted the cup to his sexy mouth and took a sip. “You’re pale,” he said, meeting her gaze. “Are you okay?”

She blushed at the mess she looked like, but when you lived in the same house as someone, there wasn’t much you could do to disguise the bad days. “Yeah. I… um… I wasn’t feeling well earlier but I think I’m better now.”

He glanced at her with concern in his eyes. “Well, rest today. It’s not like Bailey is around to keep you hopping, so take advantage.”

She smiled. “I will.” She hesitated, wondering if she should apologize again for what had happened between them yesterday.

She had to learn to live in the same house with him even when Bailey wasn’t around. She couldn’t kiss him one minute and push him away the next, sending mixed signals because her body and heart wanted what her mind knew she couldn’t have.

She sighed and pushed that thought away. There were more pressing concerns going through her mind.

“Austin,” she said, knowing she had to tell him about her phone call. “The district attorney called me this morning. She wants me to come into the city for trial prep. I realize Bailey’s not home, so it shouldn’t be an issue, but I thought you should know.”

“Shit. I wish you didn’t have to deal with this again.”

She nodded. “Me, too. But I’ll just take the train—”

“No. I told you I’ll make sure you’re safe while you deal with this and I will.”

“Thank you. I’m truly grateful. I just… It’s not fair to you. Any of this. I know you want to bring Bailey home as soon as possible, especially once this situation with her mother is resolved, and thanks to me, you can’t.” She ran her hands up and down her arms over her sweatshirt, rubbing away the sudden chill.

His eyes warmed at the mention of his daughter and immediately squinted in displeasure at her follow-up conclusion. “Of course I want to bring her home but this is not your fault. Things happen. We deal with them.”

“We do, but this is my problem, not yours. And I don’t want to keep messing up your life. So I…” She swallowed past the words but they had to come out. “I could move out,” she offered, sick at the thought. But she’d do it for Austin’s sake. For Bailey’s.

“What?” he asked, obviously shocked.

She held up a hand, wanting him to listen before he decided. “It makes sense. Think about it. You could have your daughter home and not have to worry about my problems with my former employer. I’ll come back after his trial is over, or after I testify… that is, if you still want me.” She rushed out her thoughts, knowing it was what was best for Bailey. For Austin.


She blinked at his abrupt tone. “But—”

“No buts.” He placed his mug down and strode over so he was looming over her, big and powerful and sexy. “First, I’m a bodyguard. A protector by nature. Do you really think I would send you out there knowing someone was willing to break into this house to send you a message?”

“I guess not,” she murmured, not the least bit taken aback by his harsh voice. She understood where his anger was directed and it wasn’t at her.

“That’s right. I’m going to protect you up until and through your testimony.”

Appreciation along with a shiver of awareness trickled through her at his determined tone and proclamation. “Thank you.”

He inclined his head, his darkened gaze boring into hers. “I’m not going to let anyone harm you.”

She believed him.

He reached for her, then obviously thought better of it and shoved one hand into his pocket. With the other, he reached for his coffee mug and took a final sip of his coffee.

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