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Tempt Me

Page 49

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Not to mention she was meeting Austin’s friends and coworkers and she hoped to make a decent impression. So she chose a pair of jeans in deference to dressing casual, and her favorite cold-shoulder shirt and a pair of black boots. She pulled her hair into a deliberately messy bun and added makeup to cover her pale cheeks. And then she headed to meet up with Austin in the kitchen.

* * *

Austin pulled up to Dan’s, a white house with black shutters, and from the cars along the street, they weren’t the first ones there. Mia had been quiet on the way and he was worried she still didn’t feel well. But she didn’t seem to want to talk and he gave her space until they pulled up to the curb and he parked.

“You ready to go in?” he asked.

“Yep.” She flashed him an obviously forced smile.

“Hey.” He placed a hand over hers. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

She nodded. “I am. And I’m excited to meet Summer… and of course your friends. So let’s go!”

He shot her a concerned look, not really buying the I’m fine claim, but what could he do?

He led her to the house, and before they could open the door, it flung open. “Austin!” Dan said. “I saw you coming up the walk and I wanted to greet you and your pretty guest.”

Austin glanced at Mia, who blushed at the compliment. “Dan, this is Mia Atwood. Mia, meet Dan Wilson, my boss.”

“A pleasure,” Mia said with a smile. “Thank you for having me over.”

“The pleasure is mine. Come in, you two. Everyone is in the kitchen. You know how it is,” he said to Austin. “We all gravitate there.” He laughed and gestured inside the house.

Austin led Mia toward the kitchen and family room, where his friends and coworkers had congregated.

He introduced Mia to Ava Talbott, Jared Wilson, Dan’s son, and Ben Hollander. The other members of the team, Shane Landon and Tate Shaw, were away doing freelance work, which made it a small party.

“Where’s Summer?” Austin asked, knowing how much Mia wanted to meet the pop star and Ben’s fiancée.

“I’m here!” Summer strode out from the back of the house, a wide smile on her face.

With her jet-black hair and stunning, wide brown eyes, she was beautiful. These days Austin preferred petite blondes with green eyes, but he could appreciate Ben’s good fortune.

“It’s good to see you!” Austin pulled her into a friendly hug.

“You, too.”

Ben wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“Summer, this is my—Mia Atwood.” Austin wasn’t sure what he’d been about to say and he quickly changed the subject. “Mia’s a huge fan.”

Summer flushed. “I still can’t get used to people saying that,” she murmured.

“It’s well deserved,” Mia said. “I’m so glad to meet you. I love your music.”

“Thank you.”

“Hey, man, let’s let the women talk. I want to catch up,” Ben said. “I hear Dan has some fun new gadgets in his office. Let’s go check things out in there.”

Austin shot Mia a questioning glance and she nodded, a big smile on her face. Obviously she was feeling better because she definitely didn’t mind being left with Summer.

He gave her shoulder a squeeze, a gesture that he needed more than her, if only to reassure himself she was fine. Her mood lately had been off, at least since she’d been sick.

He and Ben each grabbed a bottle of beer before Austin followed Ben out of the kitchen and down the hall, past the bathroom to Dan’s office. He’d broken down a wall, making two rooms into one large room so that when he worked from home, he could still monitor things going on with work.

Austin rolled the bottle between his hands, not really in the mood for a drink.

“It is good to be home,” Ben muttered, sinking into a chair across from Dan’s big oak desk.

“I bet. Where are you staying?” Ben and Summer both had apartments in the city.

“My place is bigger, so we moved in there.” Ben tipped back the bottle for a sip. “But I want to find something larger. More space, more … I don’t know. Windows.” Ben laughed.

“So what’s it been like?” Austin asked his friend. “Insane fans and living out of hotels?”

“Pretty much but I have to tell you, as long as I’m with Summer, it’s all good.” Ben’s satisfied smile said it all. He was settled and happy with his choices.

“I’m happy for you. Where are Dan’s new gadgets?” Austin asked, glancing around the room and seeing only the usual monitors, cabinets, and documents scattered around.

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