Tempt Me - Page 56

* * *

Austin sat by Mia’s side, refusing to leave when she spoke to the police. He gripped her tighter when she repeated the details of the shooting. The entire incident had been running on replay in his head ever since. They took his statement, as well, and he knew she still had to talk to the district attorney, but finally the officer left, walking through the curtain, and they were alone until the doctor signed off on Mia’s release.

“Hey,” he said, treating her to a concerned half smile. “Are you okay?”

Her skin was pale, eyes half-mast.

“I’m hanging in there. How about you?”

“The same.” He ran his thumb over the smooth skin of her hand. “I want you to know something else. I realize you don’t come from a family where love is abundant, and because of that, your ability to trust is somewhat compromised.”

She studied him, obviously invested in what he was saying.

“I also realize I didn’t help my case by telling you, and repeating, that I didn’t want marriage or a future with you.”

She blinked and a tear leaked down her cheek. He caught it with his hand.

“I’d kick my own ass if I could—for being so shortsighted and for hurting you. But since I can’t, I’m just going to have to do my best to convince you that I was wrong. I was afraid to believe in you. In us. And I hope you won’t follow my example of running away from what could be, what is the best thing to ever happen to us.”

He grasped her other hand, too, and held both up to his chest. “I love you, Mia. And I want to spend every day I have left showing you how much. The baby is icing on an already spectacular cake.”

She laughed. “So now I’m a cake.”

“You’re sweet enough.”

She rolled her eyes at his silly joke before sobering. “You’re right, you know. Everything you said about my past, my fears, you nailed it all. And a part of me really wants to run away because it’s easier than believing everything I ever wanted is within my grasp.”

“And what is it you want?” He held his breath as she spoke, hoping with everything in him they desired the same things and she was brave enough to go after them.

“You. Bailey. A family.” She visibly swallowed hard. “When we first got together, I knew it was dangerous for me because you represented all the things that could make my life complete. The things I didn’t have growing up. Parents who loved each other and their children. But you didn’t want that. Only I did.”

He remained silent even though he wanted to pull her into his arms, giving her the same chance to speak that she’d given him. But he was sorry he’d put her through the pain of wanting, longing, when he should have had his eyes opened sooner.

“But now you’re saying you’ve changed your mind. And I can believe you… or not.”

“I’m hoping you will,” he said, unable to remain quiet any longer.

“I do,” she whispered. “Because I love you, too.”

Her affirmation was all he needed. Careful to protect her shoulder, he leaned into her, pressing his lips to hers. With a soft moan of acceptance, she slid her tongue over his and he slipped his inside her waiting mouth.

The kiss couldn’t go further despite the hard bulge growing behind his jeans, even if he did have the urge to crawl into the bed with her, align his body with hers, and lose himself in her warmth and heat.

“Knock knock!” A nurse said, pushing the curtain aside and letting herself into the small cubicle. “Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds but I have your discharge papers.”

Austin grinned, aware of Mia blushing beside him. “My fiancée would be happy to sign your papers.”

“Wait, what? We didn’t… You didn’t ask—” Mia stuttered over her words.

“Didn’t I say that I love you and I want to spend every day I have left showing you how much?” he asked, aware they had an amused and rapt audience in the nurse.

Mia blinked. “You did. But—”

“What did you think I meant?”

She grinned at him. “You silly man. I would think you’d ask me if you meant you wanted to marry me!”

“Will you marry me?” he asked, his gaze never leaving hers.


“Good. Ring and proper proposal to follow. I just didn’t want to leave here without being one hundred percent clear on where we stood.” He rose to his feet, never letting go of her hand.

The nurse sighed. “Sometimes we have a good day. And today was definitely one of those. How romantic,” she murmured.

Austin was pretty damned pleased himself.

“Now can we go over your discharge instructions?” the nurse asked, back to business.

Tags: Carly Phillips Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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