The Baby Contract - Page 14



“I’ll be in touch,” Mr. Crebs, the manager of the upscale jewelry and watch store said once he was done interviewing me for a job.

In many ways, this job would be ideal, as I had a love of jewelry and a knack for jewelry design. For a short time, I thought I might start a business designing watches and jewelry, but of course I didn’t have the money and decided against Harper’s offer to invest.

“Thank you, Mr. Crebs.” I shook his hand with a smile, but inside I wasn’t positive about getting the job.

I had a college degree and understood fashion and design, but once potential employers learned who my father was, they didn’t hire me, thinking I wasn’t serious about the job.

After all, why did I need a job when my family was filthy rich?

What they didn’t know was that I’d been cut off from my family money.

The few jobs I did have, my employer either sucked up to me hoping to win favor with my father or, like my last job, treated me with disdain. I couldn’t seem to win.

I got into my car, which was imported, but it was so old it made newer domestic cars look like Ferraris.

For a moment, I sat with my hands on the steering wheel as I worked to sort out my next plan of action. I could change my name, leave town, and start over. I could go back to trying to find a rich husband. I could take up Bran’s offer to be his message courier. Or I could go ask my brother for help.

The changing my name and leaving town idea appealed the most, but I didn’t have the resources to pull that off. I never had much luck with men, at least a man I could respect and live my life with.

I couldn’t betray Harper by being Bran’s messenger. So, all that was left was asking my brother for a handout.

Ugh. I hated doing that.

There was a time my brother was sympathetic to my plight, but as time has gone on, he had become more like my father. He usually helped me, but now it came with words of disdain.

To be honest, it broke my heart to see my brother turn like that. Growing up without a mother and with a father who hated me, Peter had been the only solid person in my life. He used to protect me and watch out for me, sort of like Bran did for Harper.

That had me pause.

Right now, I’d have given anything for my brother to be more like Bran. He was still overly obnoxious, but at least he loved his sister. I had no doubt that Bran would financially support Harper if she didn’t have her trust from her parents. He’d probably crawl over broken glass to help her.

Thinking of Bran like that was a little disturbing. I didn’t want to think of him as a nice guy. But neither did I want to think about having to see my brother.

Deciding to put off a solution to my money troubles for now, I headed back to my tiny apartment. It wasn’t really a shithole. I kept it clean and tidy. It had good sun during the day.

But compared to my father and brother’s home, it was tired and run down, and hardly bigger than a shoebox.

I’d been surprised when Harper asked to stay with me when she was hiding from Bran because she could afford a luxury hotel…and I didn’t mean renting a room, I meant she could buy a hotel.

I parked in the parking lot and made my way to my door, digging my keys out of my old worn-out purse. It was a good thing that designer clothes and accessories lasted so long, or I’d have nothing to wear and no purses.

As I approached the door, I stopped short. I glared at Bran, leaning against my door.

“Harper isn’t here, and I’m not going to deliver any messages.”

Bran smiled, but it was the one that was a cross between a smirk and pity. Oh, how many times had I wanted to slap it off his perfect face.

I also wished he were scrawny and homely. It would give my hormones a break.

It was so annoying to hate him while at the same time thinking he was hot. What had I been thinking earlier to wish my brother was more like him?

“I’m here to see you. I have a job offer.”

My senses went on high alert. Was he punking me?

Tags: Ajme Williams Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024