The Baby Contract - Page 108



Could anything be more romantic than making love in front of a warm fire?

Bran’s hands and mouth worked their magic on my body until I couldn’t take it any longer. I rose up, guiding his dick to my pussy and then I lowered down.

He groaned into my neck as he filled me. I clung to him, savoring this feeling of us being one. He was a part of me.

Like we were one.

Love swelled in my chest. The words sat on the edge of my tongue, but I couldn’t get them out. So instead I held on to him. Rocked over him. I let my body tell him what I was too afraid to verbalize.

He pinched my nipples and then sucked on into his mouth, his tongue flicking over it.

Erotic sensation sped like a freight train to my pussy. “Bran. Oh…God…” My pussy was on fire with need.

“Fuck…Anne…” His hands went to my waist, urging me to move faster, helping me ride him harder. “Look at me,” he demanded.

I lifted my gaze to his, feeling the intensity ramp up. It was like our eyes completed a circuit between our bodies.

“Come now, Anne. I want to watch you come.”

I felt like I’d give him anything he asked for. I could certainly give him this.

So I let go, giving my body free reign. With his help, I rode him until the friction of his dick against my sensitive pussy walls shot me to the heavens. I gripped his shoulders as pleasure swamped my body.


“Anne…Jesus fuck…so perfect.”

I was on the down slide of my orgasm, when he lay back and then rolled me under him. “Watch me, Anne. Watch what you do to me.”

I did as he asked, watching as he gave into his need. His face contorted into the mixture of pleasure and pain as he approached his orgasm.

He levered up on his hands, allowing him to drive harder and faster inside me until I was on the verge of another orgasm.

“Fuck…Anne!” He thrust in, grinding his hips against me as his head arched back. He withdrew and thrust again, and again, the warmth of his essence filling me and pushing me over into another orgasm.

Completely spent, I snuggled against Bran's hard warm body.

This moment was too perfect not to be something more than a sexual affair. Could my dream of a future with him be possible?

We acted like a couple in almost every way. Bran could still be bossy and hardheaded, but now I understood that came from a place of love or concern, not because he was a jerk.

I let out a long content sigh.

He lifted his arm looking at his watch. "Are you tired? Is it time to put you to bed?"

I nestled closer to him, not ready to let go of this moment yet. When we went to bed, we’d be parting ways. It was the one area of this relationship in which the illusion of couplehood fell away. More often than not, we slept in our own rooms. That little factoid caused my doubt about a future with Bran to grow again. I did my best to ignore it.

"I'm too comfortable here to move anywhere."

He lifted his head, kissing the top of my head. "We can stay here all night if you want."

I wondered what he would say if I asked to stay here forever.

A sharp gasp interrupted the sweet stillness in front of the fire. “What the fuck is going on?"

Tags: Ajme Williams Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024