The Baby Contract - Page 134



I looked over the report Archer handed me at our now monthly meetings.

When I first handed the reins of Saint Security to him, we met more frequently, and I participated in several of the investigations and protection details. But I was ready to retire.

Yes, at only thirty-five.

For years, I wanted to stop running from my demons, but not until a baby showed up on my doorstep did I take action on settling down.

I’m a father.

Holy shit.

That was the last thing I ever expected to happen. I’d lived my life alone and expected to die alone. But looking into my son’s eyes, my world tilted on its side. Priorities changed.

“Does this really say that the only security we’re providing Bran Erickson is for his wife and her shop?” In all the years I’d been doing security, Bran Erickson had been one of the most difficult men to work for.

“Yep.” Archer said. His expression suggested he didn’t believe it either.

“Nothing on the sister?”

He shook his head. “Not from us.”

I laughed. “You’re right. Maybe he’s hired someone else.

Archer shrugged. “Or maybe he’s lightened up. The guy is married and a new father. They had a girl.”

“How are they managing?”

“Like new parents, I suppose. Tired.”

I nodded. I was exhausted.

“Lane and I will be going through it soon.”

I jerked my gaze to him. “Lane’s expecting?”

He grinned like a loon. “And this time I’m going to be a part of all of it.”

“I’m happy for you.” And I was. I knew it had been hard on him when he learned he’d fathered a child. He didn’t meet his daughter, Emery until she was nine. At least I met my son while he was an infant. Although, it would help if he could speak.

My phone vibrated.

You have to come get Mo. He’s inconsolable.

I sighed. “I have to go.” I hoped when I picked Mo up from Mrs. Walkers, she wouldn’t quit babysitting. She was my last resort after two nannies. How could a little person be so unhappy all the time?

Just then, Archer’s door blew open.

“Who’s following me?” Harper Erickson walked in. The woman was a man’s wet dream come to life. Blonde hair and blue eyes that should have made her look like an angel, but in reality, she looked like hell on wheels.

She and her brother were both volatile.

It irked me in her brother, but I couldn’t deny a spark of attraction at seeing it in her.

I remembered seeing her at the pool party Archer insisted I attend for networking purposes. She wore a black bikini that showed off all her assets. She was stunning. I dreamt about her and the bikini that night. I rubbed one off in the shower the next morning imagining fucking her perfect tits.

Tags: Ajme Williams Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024