Flawless Ruin - Page 18

“Juliet. You don’t belong here,” he barks. “Vicki’s out this afternoon. We need you up there.”

Right. I start to scurry away, but he holds up a finger.

“But since you’re here, stay.”

Too easily, I stumble backwards, my butt finding the nearest seat.

He looks at Mara. “You have the new prototypes?”

She nods and pulls out a tray of sparkling jewels on midnight blue velvet. I can’t help but gasp upon looking at them. They instantly light up the dark dungeon.

“Which do you like best?”

There’s no contest. In the corner is a chain bracelet made entirely of silver hearts, crusted in diamonds. It’s elegant and understated. I can just imagine it on my wrist.

It’s only when no one answers, and I look at him, that I realize he’s gazing at me.

“Oh, um…” I start to point at the bracelet, but he’s already lifting a diamond pendant into his hands.

“Stand up. Turn around.”

Again, he’s talking to me. This time, I do as he says and walk over to him.

I know this drill. He’s tried priceless jewels on me before, back when he thought I was one of them. Turning around, I lift my hair, and he gently lays the pendant on my chest. I can feel his breath on my neck as he works the clasp. Goose bumps pop out everywhere on my skin. I catch a glance at Mara, whose expression seems to say, Don’t go there. Be strong.

But stupid me. I’m already tilted toward him, ready to fall into his arms on command.

“What do you think?” he says, his voice low and sensual as our gazes lock in the mirror.

Instantly, I’m thrown back to that time, eons ago, when I’d stood in front of him, naked. I’m going to fuck you in this necklace, he’d whispered in my ear, his voice smooth and sensual as his fingers danced along my collarbone.

I flash to myself, on all fours, naked, as he spanked me, again and again, to the point where I was begging for him to take me. I’d been so wet, so reckless. I’d never felt like that before…

Incredible, I think, but I’m not focused on the jewel. Words tumble around in my head, but not one of them can adequately describe what I feel for this man.

Before I can summon the right words, Mara says flatly, “Nope. Too harsh.”

All the air leaves my lungs.

He nods and unclasps it unceremoniously. “I agree.”

This time, he reaches for a heart-shaped earring. His fingers graze my temple as he holds it up to my lobe, gaze hot on my profile. “And what about this one?”

I watch him in the mirror, so close to me, and my body trembles, weak. Is it possible that in the days since the gala, he’s only gotten more delicious? Being away from me, partying it up with various women, has worked wonders for him.

Then I look at myself in the mirror. The same cannot be said of me. I’m a sad shell. The earrings wear me, not the other way around.

Mara shakes her head. He pulls the earring away from my face in agreement.

Then he goes for the bracelet.

I know the bracelet is me. Even if I’m not really myself anymore, it practically screams Juliet. Though it’s encrusted with tiny diamonds, it’s also delicate and understated. I know, even as I hold out my forearm to him, that I am going to love this piece.

He slips it on, expertly fixing the clasp without so much as looking at it.

Mara smiles. “Oh. Now I think we might be onto something…”

Caleb nods. “That’s it.”

Tags: Roxy Sloane Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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