Flawless Ruin - Page 45

Caleb gives a twisted smile. “I moved the money around, to pay Nero. I was hiding things, fraudulently altering the company accounts. It may have been for the right reasons, to save the company, but… A crime is still a crime, nonetheless.”

My heart leaps. I want to ask more, if this means he can forgive me, for sneaking around and lying to him. If this means we can fix what’s broken between us. But before I can muster the courage to ask, Caleb moves closer to me, the expression in his eyes shifting to something playful. “Enjoying the gelato?”

“What?” I ask, confused by the sudden change in subject.

Caleb smirks. “You’ve made a mess of yourself.” He points to my mouth. “Here, let me get it.”

He reaches out and sweeps his thumb slowly across my lips, catching a drop of chocolate. He brings it to his mouth and sucks. “Mmmn,” he says in a low growl that sends heat spiraling to my core.

I swallow, feeling breathless. How can this man take me from zero to turned on in just five seconds?

“Better.” He pulls away and checks his watch, while I stand there, wavering on my weak knees. “We better get back to the hotel.”

“Oh yes?” I manage, my mind flooding with all the things we could do in my lavish hotel bed.

“I have the three o’clock meeting,” he continues.

Not ravishing me then.

“Right. That.”

He studies me. “You look tired. I can handle it myself. You take a rest, sleep off the jet lag, and I’ll meet you tonight for dinner.”

It’s not a question. He flags down a cab and instructs the driver to take me back to the hotel. I feel a pang of disappointment I won’t be riding on the back of the Vespa again, wrapped around his waist, but as the car pulls away, I know, that’s a good thing.

Caleb’s given me a reprieve to pull myself together and cool down—before I find myself swooning back into his arms again.

The question is, do I want it?

* * *

I nap all afternoon,then take a long bath and dress for dinner. Clearly, a part of me was hoping this trip wouldn’t just be professional when I packed my bag, because I have a flirty little black dress that’s perfect for an intimate dinner date. I blow-dry my hair, and apply makeup, anticipation already bubbling in my stomach. I know I swore not to get pulled back into Caleb’s twisted games, but it feels like we’ve really been connecting on this trip. Like his walls are coming down, and he’s finally sharing parts of himself I’ve only glimpsed before.

It’s sexy as hell.

And if something were to happen. Well, what happens in Rome, stays in Rome…

I meet Caleb in the lobby, and he takes me to dinner at a little hole-in-the-wall place around the corner from the hotel. It’s dark and cozy and romantic inside, full of amorous couples murmuring over candlelight. Caleb’s hand is steady on the small of my back ushering me to our table, and it’s easy to pretend we’re just like them. Simple, uncomplicated, romantic. Being so far from home, in this foreign country, reality seems a long way away.

“Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?” Caleb murmurs in my ear as he pulls out my chair for me.

I sit, my legs already unsteady from having him so close.

God, he’s sexy.

Would it really be so bad to give in to desire just one more time?

Caleb orders us wine and food, the Italian phrases rolling effortlessly off his tongue. He looks irresistible with his shirt collar open at his neck, white against the tanned gold of his skin.

It really isn’t fair for a man to look this good.

“So how was the meeting?” I ask him, making a last attempt at professionalism.

“Good enough. They’re eager to move forward, so I should have things pretty much wrapped up.” He grins with a pure male confidence, “Your nap?”

“Couldn’t have been better. I was tired.”

“I think you’re wrong. It could have been better,” he says with a wink. “I could have joined you.”

Tags: Roxy Sloane Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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