Flawless Ruin - Page 48


I don’t knowhow we make it back to the hotel, but the minute Caleb slams the door of his suite behind us, his hands are on me again.

His hands, his mouth, his incredible body… He kisses me senseless, and I can feel his hard cock pressing urgently against me. I reach for his pants, eager, but he breaks away. “Not so fast, baby girl.” He catches his breath, shooting me a delicious look of pure domination. “We don’t need to rush this. In fact, I’ve got plans for the two of us tonight. And you’re going to do every single thing I command. Got it?”

I nod, breathless and excited. I love it when he takes control.

He looks me over carefully, his gaze full of dark desire. “Undress. Slowly. Show me everything.”

Caleb stands back, watching as I slowly begin to peel my dress straps from my shoulders. I slide the bodice down so that my breasts spring free. Then I slowly wiggle the garment to the ground and kick it aside, so I’m standing there before him in just a scrap of silk panties and bra.

“That’s right,” Caleb makes a noise of approval. “But you’re still overdressed.”

He moves closer, intent as a panther. He trails a hand down my chest, to the ribbon tie of my bra. Tugs. It falls away. Lower, to my panties. Plucks the strings on my hips. “There,” he says, satisfied. “Now you’re ready.”

“Ready for what?” I ask, with a hitch of anticipation.

A smile plays on his lips. “A different kind of outfit.”

He strolls over to the dresser and retrieves a slim jewelry box. He brings it closer, and I lean in expectantly, thinking it’s another necklace. But instead, he lifts out what looks like a small, jeweled ornament.

“Is it a pendant?” I ask, confused.

He smiles. “Not exactly. But it will adorn you all the same.”

He trails it over my chest, coming to rest on my breast. The metal is cold against my nipple, making it pucker, taut. “Perfect,” he murmurs, and then clamps the ornament around my stiff nipple.

I let out a yelp of shock at the sensation, a tight bite of pressure, on the edge of pain.

A nipple clamp? My mind races. I’ve never even seen these in real life before. “Caleb…” I start, uncertain.

“Shhh…” Caleb lowers his head and kisses softly around the aching site, soothing. “The initial sting will fade. You remember your safe word, don’t you?”

I nod. “Red.”

“That’s right.”

I gulp another breath, reassured now as Caleb fixes another clamp to my other nipple, metal and jewels glittering in the dim light. I flinch again at the unfamiliar pressure, but I’m curious, too. Finally, carefully, he fixes a filigree chain between them, attached to each claim.

Attached to me.

“Beautiful,” he says, regarding me with a new hunger in his eyes. “Now, the final piece of the puzzle…”

He opens another box and pulls out a small silver globe. I frown, wondering what he’s planning to do with it, until he returns and bends me face-first over the table. He nudges my thighs apart. “Spread.” He orders behind me. “Wider.”

My breath hitches. Oh my god, is he… ?

He is.

Caleb reaches between my thighs. He teases the cool metal against my clit, making me gasp before dipping it into my cunt and coating it with my slick juices. Then slowly, firmly, he presses the globe up inside me.

I clench around it, shocked by the feel of the foreign object. Heavy. Filling me up.

I turn back to face him. “What does it do?” I gulp, way out of my depth here. The sum total of my experience with toys is my discreet vibrator, but here I am strung up—filled—by the most extravagant accessories.

Caleb smirks, eyes drifting over me, molten. “Oh, you’ll see soon enough.”

I shiver, with nerves and anticipation as Caleb leads me to the seating area, with an overstuffed couch. “Now, you’ll have to behave for me,” he says, pulling me close. “Obey me, and you’ll be rewarded.” He caresses my breasts, extra-sensitive now. Pressing kisses around the imprint of the clamps. Soothing. “But disobey? And you’ll be punished.”

Tags: Roxy Sloane Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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