Flawless Ruin - Page 52


When I wake,I lie there as the morning rays multiply outside the window, watching Juliet sleep.

I know this drill.

This is where I disentangle myself from her, grab my clothes, and get the hell out. This is where I punish her for her betrayal all over again, so that she’ll know who has the upper hand. This is where it ends.

In fact, I should’ve left before, the second her breathing slowed and I knew that she was asleep. That’s what I usually do. That’s what I told myself I’d do. Resist her, at all costs.

But instead, I fell asleep, lulled by the sound of her breathing, and the undeniable feeling of peace there in her arms. Still, as I drifted off, told myself I’d hightail it out of her room, first thing in the morning.

Meaning, now.

But why does this feel different? Why do I feel like I want to look at her forever, as she sleeps there, her pale skin hardly a contrast to the white sheets, her long hair feathered across her face? She’s fucking gorgeous, with those big pillowy lips, long eyelashes, even a few freckles across the bridge of her nose.

I think back to her, last night, on top of me, wearing those clamps. Fuck. I’m instantly hard as a rock again.

But it’s more than that. I’ve had her obedience, but I want more than that from her, now. I don’t want pricks like David or Nero Barretti laying a finger on her.

She’s mine.

And I’ve never felt like this before. I have to keep her here, with me.

I have to protect her, no matter what.

The moment that thought comes to mind, she starts to stir. Any hope of leaving before she wakes disappears, but I don’t care. As she yawns and stretches, her perky little tits pointing to the sky, I smile. Damn, I wouldn’t have missed that for the world.

“Hey,” I say.

She cracks an eye open and smiles at me. “Hey, yourself. You getting up?”

I kiss her temple. “Have to. I have a meeting.”

She sits up and modestly pulls the sheet over her naked body. As if I haven’t seen every last inch of her over the past twelve hours. Tasted her.

Claimed her.

“I don’t remember anything on the itinerary.” She says with a yawn.

“That’s because this is a personal meeting.”

She must hear the tightness in my voice because her smile falls. “Is it something bad?”

I shake my head. “Nothing to worry about. I just need to meet with someone connected to my parents. That’s all.”

“Does it have to do with the Barretti family?”

Shit. “Why would you think that?” I ask, guarded.

Juliet gives me a look. “Because he’s mafia. And this is Italy. And you said it had something to do with your parents. So I just connected the dots.”

She’s too smart for her own good sometimes.

“It shouldn’t take too long. I’ll be back and take you to lunch.” I go to the bathroom and run the shower, quickly rinsing off. I’d love to drag her in with me, but this is business that can’t wait.

When I emerge to dress again, Juliet has pulled on a hotel robe, regarding me with a thoughtful look. “I’m coming with you.”

I pause. “As much as I’d like the company, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

Tags: Roxy Sloane Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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