Flawless Ruin - Page 55


Soon—toosoon—we’re back in New York. Dodging puddles on another cold, dreary Monday, I think of the warm Mediterranean sun on my skin in Rome and sigh with yearning—for the weather, and the carefree feeling I enjoyed.

My first day home, and I already need a vacation.

Mara joins me as we enter the Sterling Cross building. My flight got in too late to chat last night, but I picked her up a coffee, which she takes gratefully. “This weather blows. You know, it rained the whole time you were gone?”

“Well, I wish it would stop, now that I’m back!” I shake water from my coat.

She laughs. “If I were you, I’d use my wish to be back there instead. Was Caleb a total beast to you?”

Oh, yes. He absolutely was.

I grin to myself at the thought of some of our hotel room escapades. “Actually… We got along fine. More than fine.”

“Oh my god!” Her mouth makes an O. “Why didn’t you tell me last night, girl?”

“I got in so late, I thought you were asleep.”

“You could’ve woken me for that info. So what’d you do… Have hot sex the whole time?” she demands, with a delighted smile. “Did you even get out to sightsee?”

“Oh, we did.”

I pause at the memory of everything we discovered at Giovanni’s vineyard. After that bombshell about his parents, I would have expected Caleb to want to talk about it. Share his feelings. But instead, he insisted on spending our last night in Rome at an extravagant restaurant—and then having even more extravagant sex. I know he must be processing what Giovanni said, but still, I’m on edge too.

What is the Barretti family capable of?

“So, does this mean you and Caleb are back together?” Mara asks. “You need to send out a memo or something, I can’t keep up with your hot and cold routine!”

Her words bring me crashing back to reality. Because as special as Rome was, it’s a thousand miles away now.

What happens next?

“I don’t know,” I admit, rueful, as we exit the elevator. “The trip was perfect. I feel like Caleb really opened up.” And opened me up to unbelievable pleasure. “But…”

I trail off, thinking about what he said. A truce.

“But what?”

“I’m not stupid enough to think we’re back together, for good.” I say with heavy regret. It was just… You know. The magic of the Eternal City. But now…”

“In the city of Doom and Gloom, you think you’re back to being virtual enemies?”

I nod. I never thought of Caleb as my enemy, but he sure treated me like one. “I don’t know what I’ll find when I get to his office,” I admit, feeling a twist of nerves. “Will he be the guy who kissed me passionately up against the hotel room door? Or the man who thinks I betrayed him? I keep thinking he’s what I want, and then he changes into someone that I don’t recognize.”

“Well, let me know,” Mara says, giving me a sympathetic look. “And remember, he’s not the only one calling the shots. You have a say in this, too.”

I nod. “See you later,” I say, as she heads off to the design floor, and I slowly make my way to Caleb’s office, thinking hard.

She’s right. I do have a say. I decided not to put up with Caleb’s cruel bullshit—and then the magic of Italy and the force of our passion was just too much for me.

Because when that man touches me…

All bets are off.

Caleb’s officedoor is closed when I arrive, and I can hear voices inside. Vicki’s typing at her desk and shoots me a look. “How was Italy?” she asks in a not-quite-friendly tone.

“Nice. Busy.” I nod to Caleb’s office. “Who’s he—”

Tags: Roxy Sloane Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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