Flawless Ruin - Page 61


“What are you doing here?”I blurt, before I can stop myself. Nero is dressed all in black, in a designer suit; his tattoos snaking out from under his collar. He looks tightly coiled, but perfectly at ease in the middle of Caleb’s penthouse, and I wonder how he even made it past security.

But I guessa couple of doormen mean nothing to a man like him.

Caleb’s eyes flash a warning at me. “Juliet,” he says evenly, moving to stand between me and the stranger by the fireplace.

The armed stranger.

“Nero and I clearly have some things to discuss,” Caleb continues, his voice even. “So you need to leave. Now.”

Nero chuckles. “Don’t let me interrupt.” He stands and saunters toward me, with all the coolness of an invited guest. He’s even holding a scotch—he must’ve helped himself to Caleb’s bar.

My skin crawls as he looks me up and down.

“How nice to see you again, Juliet.”

“Don’t talk to her.” Caleb snaps, tense as a knife. “Don’t even look at her!” He’s still shielding me, one hand on my arm. “Juliet, go.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not staying,” Nero drawls.

“I just wanted to make sure you weren’t thinking of doing anything stupid. I heard about your trip to Italy.”

“How?” I blurt. Does he have a spy in the organization?

“The name Barretti means something,” Nero replies, a flinty expression. “Not just in this city, either.”

I shiver again, as Caleb clenches his jaw. “Nero, listen to me. If you think you’re going to get—”

“No. You listen, Sterling.” Nero turns to him, his voice authoritative, and yet still calm and smooth, “No. You listen, Sterling. You had plenty of time to get your shit together. But now I want what’s mine. Do you understand?”

I feel Caleb tense beside me.

“Your father thought he could cheat my family,” Nero continues silkily. “And I don’t have to remind you what happened to him. Deliver what you owe. Or I won’t be such a gentleman next time.”

Nero reaches out and pushes a lock of hair from my eyes. I recoil from his touch, but he just smiles at me. A serpent’s smile. “You take care now, Juliet.”

He sets his glass down, and saunters toward the foyer. His wordless muscle follows. I stand there, frozen, listening as the elevator doors open, and slide shut behind them.

The second I’m sure he’s gone, I lower myself, trembling, onto the nearest sofa, and cover my mouth with my hands. “Oh, my god,” I say, shaken to the core.

I know without a doubt that our lives were on the line just then. That without any effort, Nero could have ended us both. Tonight. “What are we going to do?”

“We aren’t doing anything.” Caleb replies, pacing back and forth. “Dammit, Juliet, what the hell were you playing at? I told you to leave!”

“I’m sorry, but… I wasn’t going to leave you alone with him. But what happens now?” I ask again, reeling. “We have to do something, go to the police—”

“No!” Caleb cuts me off. “I told you. He’s got them in his pocket.”

“But we could try.” I plead. “There has to be someone who could help. What if we went public with it?” I ask, desperate.

Caleb whirls around, scowling. “And tank Sterling Cross—and give Olivia and Sebastian the chance they’ve been waiting for?!”

I exhale. “Maybe… We’re going about this all wrong. What if we got out of town for a while—”

“Just stop!” Caleb roars. I fall silent in shock at the force of his outburst. “You don’t think I’ve already gone over every option? I’ve been trying for years to find a way. Trust me when I say you’re not going to find a magic solution I haven’t noticed yet!”

I inhale, shaken, and immediately Caleb deflates. “I’m sorry for yelling,” he says quietly, dragging a hand through his hair. “I’m just tired. I need space to think.”

Tags: Roxy Sloane Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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