Flawless Ruin - Page 68

Somebody’s here.

I freeze. Footsteps come closer, descending fast. I’m still ten floors up. Can I make it down to the lobby in time?

No. I make a split-second decision, then quietly push open the exit door on this level. I slowly close it behind me, trying not to make a sound, and look frantically around, hoping to find people working late, or a security guard, or anyone who can help me at all.

But I’m out of luck.

I’m in a part of the building that’s under construction: Furniture covered in plastic drop-cloths and curtains, with ladders and barrels and piles of building material scattered around. I quickly push through some plastic curtains and find an open office, then

close the door behind me and lean against it, saying a prayer.

Don’t find me. Please, don’t find me.

The flashlight on my cellphone is going to give me away, so I turn it off and quickly dial Caleb’s number.

It goes straight to voicemail.

“Leave a message, and I’ll get back to you when I’m not otherwise detained.”

I hang up without saying anything, stifling a noise of frustration. Where is he? I try to think of who else to call, but before I can try and find the number for the building’s security, I hear the stairwell door swing open.

They’re here.

Pulling the phone to my chest to hide the glow of the display, I hold my breath as I listen to the footsteps moving slowly through the office.

Closer, closer…

I shrink back against a corner and wait for the doorknob to turn, my heart in my throat. This office is barely the size of a closet, with no furniture to hide behind. There’s a screwdriver on the window ledge, and I grab it, a makeshift weapon. If the worst comes to the worst.

Would it be any use at all against a real weapon?

Against Nero?

It feels like an hour passes while I stand there, heart racing in fear. But the doorknob doesn’t turn, and there’s nothing but silence.

Have they gone?

Were they ever even here at all?

I don’t know what to think, whether I’m overreacting or inches from danger. Either way, I wait for another eternity, the seconds ticking past until I can convince myself there’s nothing out there waiting for me.

I peel myself away from the wall. Gingerly, I open the door and peer out through the darkness.

No one.

I check my phone. No response from Caleb.

As I creep toward the exit, I take a deep breath. I’m heading down again and getting the hell out of here—and this time, I’m not stopping for anything.

I push into the stairwell —

and run straight into someone standing on the landing. They reach out and grab hold of me, and I let out a scream. “Get away from me!”

“Christ, what are you doing?” an annoyed reply comes, as the woman steps back.

It’s Olivia!

I gasp, my heart thundering in my chest. “I didn’t…” I stammer, reeling. “I was—”

Tags: Roxy Sloane Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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