Gray Witch (Black Hat Bureau 5) - Page 62

The odds of him catching scurvy were about the same as me caving to that expansion pack.

“It okay to be jelly.” He patted my head. “Asa still love you most.”

The daemon was spending way too much time with Colby if he was picking up her lingo, but I was amused that he had a favorite person that wasn’t me. More proof he and Asa were separate entities.

“While you’re here—” I indicated the body, “—can you examine the scene for me?”

Given the opportunity, I texted Colby for a favor.

>Can you have a few of Asa’s good suits sent to the hotel?

>>Store bought not holding up?

>The daemon just shredded one like tissue paper.

>>I’ll push the requisition through. You should have them by morning.

>I’ll owe you a basket of oranges for this.

The daemon, busy with his task, hadn’t noticed I was multitasking and began his report.

“Warg.” He didn’t have to scent the air to tell. “Hungry warg.”

“Looks that way.” I didn’t want to lead him into anything, but I had to ask, “Do you smell magic?”

The daemon crouched over the body, inhaling in long breaths. “Smell like dirt and thunder light.”

“Lightning?” I waited for his nod. “The magic or the body?”

“Magic.” He leaned down, nose almost brushing the victim’s throat. “But not magic.” He frowned. “Death.” His scowl grew more pronounced. “Old death.”

“The killer was a ghost,” I told him, sounding like an absolute lunatic. “Can you track him?”

“Not sure,” he admitted. “Smell like graveyard storm.”

Based on what Clay’s contact reported, I could see how that might be the case. Ghosts didn’t secrete oils or sweat or any number of things that gave a person their scent. It would be down to the magic animating it. Or a fresh kill.

“Thanks.” I gave him one last pet. “Can I have Asa back?”

This time, there was no negotiation, for which I was thankful. I gave Asa a moment to collect himself then texted Colby with a job.

> The killer was definitely a warg. The daemon thinks he can track it, but we need a starting point.

>>I’ve already booked you into the Laurie Motel. It’s got the same seal as the others incorporated into its logo. There’s no check-in office or manager on site. You get your code via the app, punch it in, and let yourself into your room. Looks like there’s a number for a maintenance guy if you have questions.

>>Markus Amherst is listed as the website designer.

>You’re brilliant. You know that?”


>And modest.

>>Also yep.

>And the daemon told me I’m his second-best friend now, so thanks for that.

>>I taught him the Mystic Mambo. He’s forever in my debt.

Tags: Hailey Edwards Black Hat Bureau Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024