Gray Witch (Black Hat Bureau 5) - Page 73

Alphas were all about appearance. They had to be. Otherwise, the pack they so lovingly tended would rise up, rip out their throat, and crown a stronger king, or queen, to rule them.

“Rue Hollis,” he greeted me with a half-smile. “Our most frequent customer.”

“Meg’s worth it.” I walked up to shake his hand. “She’s a dear friend.”

“She says the same about you.” He flicked Asa a glance. “You, she just calls the Jawbreaker.”

“The Jawbreaker?” I got a bad feeling about this, but I asked him anyway. “Why would she do that?”

“What do you do with hard candy?”

“You put it in your mouth.”


“You suck on it.”

Derry allowed a small laugh to escape before he strode to Asa and shook his hand. “Good to meet you.”

Right then, I decided I liked Derry. Anyone who treated Asa with respect earned the same from me.

“You as well.” Asa dipped his chin. “We appreciate your help, and the heads-up on the nickname.”

“Don’t let Meg get to you. She had everyone calling me Dirty Santa for six years after an unfortunate Christmas incident involving a Santa suit, the stripper playlist for my mate’s pole dancing classes, and a bottle of hot sauce.”

A genuine smile broke across Asa’s face, and I wanted to clutch my hands to my black heart.

Then I felt mildly creepy for the maternal aww moment at him making a potential friend.

“This is where Old Man Fang was buried?” I attempted to play it cool and not hover. “Any idea where?”

“Can you smell it?” Derry asked Asa. “It’s giving me hives from here.”

“Silver,” he agreed. “I have the same reaction to the ironwork.”

“I didn’t realize smelling it bothered you.” I pressed a hand into his chest. “It won’t hurt you, will it?”

“Not unless he licks the rust off the ornaments.” Derry snickered at my scowl then set off beside Asa. “My mate’s the same way. She acts like I’m going to step out the front door on the way to work, trip, and fall on a piece of antique silverware that stabs me through the heart.”

Asa strangled his chuckle when he caught me switching my glare to him, but I was secretly delighted.

“To be fair, Rue has picked iron bullets out of me.” Asa kept pace with Derry. “She saved my life.”

“I respect the ferocity of alpha females.” Derry raised his hands. “Mine scented colloidal silver mixed in with my wine.” He paused. “That I only drink with my mate so she doesn’t have to drink alone.” He cleared his throat. “She tried to become my official food and drink taster, as if I would consent to that.”

Hanging back, I texted Clay while Asa and Derry bonded over their mates smothering them.

>We’re at a cemetery with backup, hunting Old Man Fang’s burial site.

>>You’re braver than me. I wouldn’t step foot in one with the way things have been going.

>You got anything?

>>The motel owner is too cheap to pay for Wi-Fi for his guests, so it’s a safe bet he’s not our guy.

>Who does that leave?

>>There’s one long-term renter Colby found through means she says you’re better off not knowing.

Tags: Hailey Edwards Black Hat Bureau Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024