Gray Witch (Black Hat Bureau 5) - Page 120

“It’s your name.” I patted his knee. “You can be Blay or Blayton or, yeah, Skinflayer.”

“Skinny,” Clay volunteered. “Works for me.”

“You don’t have to pick one or the other,” I reminded him. “Everyone calls me Rue, but Clay calls me Dollface. We could introduce you as Blayton and call you Skinflayer or Skinny in private.”

“Hmm.” He passed me his hair. “You pet.” He turned the bracelet in his hands. “I think.”

“How did I know?” I raked my fingers through the silky length. “You don’t have to decide tonight, big guy.”

“Rue call me Blay.” He held out his gift. “Put on?”

“Sure thing.” I let his hair go, which earned me a pout, then opened the lock. “Want to know a secret?”

“Yes,” he rushed out. “Tell me.”

“Asa can’t wear it. It will only appear when you do.” I snapped it shut then spelled it closed. “Very nice.”

“It mine?” He shook his wrist to watch it glint. “All mine?”

“All yours.”

Flames engulfed him, leaving Asa sitting where the daemon—Blay—had been. Just as fast, Asa was ripped away as…Blay…reclaimed their body and leapt to his feet. He scooped up Colby, and they danced in the living room, both of them so happy it made my chest hurt.

Clay dropped onto the couch beside me and draped his arm across my shoulders. “You okay with not spending Valentine’s Day with your guy?”

Oh. We would be celebrating. Later. After everyone else had gone to bed. But I wouldn’t tell Clay that.

Call it my Valentine’s gift to him.

“More than okay.” I excused myself, went to my room, then returned and plunked down beside him. “You and me? We’re going to eat full-price chocolate until we get sick. Then we’re going to drink wine until we think learning the Mystic Mambo is the best idea ever.”

Already reaching for a throw on the back of the couch, he lifted one corner for me to slide under beside him. “Can we watch The Princess Bride?”

Snuggling in next to him, Blay and Colby murdering orcs in the next room, I sighed happily. “As you wish.”

Tags: Hailey Edwards Black Hat Bureau Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024