Ruthless (Enemies to Lovers 4) - Page 28

Marcus: Normally when a girl sees me half-naked, we end up in bed.

I smile and turn onto my side.

Me: I’m in LA. I came home for a funeral. I don’t know if you heard, but Leigh’s mom passed away.

A few seconds later my phone beeps. I quickly turn off the sound before I read the message.

Marcus: I heard. How is she?

Me: She’ll be okay. She’s sleeping right now.

Marcus: How are you?

I stare at the words, and for some reason it makes me want to cry.

Me: Careful, Pretty-Boy. People might start thinking you care.

Marcus: Fuck. We can’t have that. Ignore my last question.

Marcus: What color panties are you wearing?

I press my face into the pillow to smother the laughter.

Me: Cream granny panties.

Marcus: That’s cruel. I’m going to have nightmares.

Me: How was your day?

Marcus: Quiet. This crazy stalker chick isn’t around to annoy me.

Me: Admit it. You miss the crazy stalker chick.

Marcus: Not even if someone tortures me.

Me: I like you, Marcus. See, you’re not so bad at this friendship thing.

Marcus: It hasn’t been that horrible hanging out with you.

I smile, wishing I could see his face.

Marcus: I’ll admit it’s different. Usually, we just …

He stops mid-sentence, but I know what he means.

Me: So usually you just hide the snake in the bush?

Marcus: I haven’t heard that one before.

Me: I’ve got more.

Me: Poke the pie.

I struggle to keep my laughter back.

Me: Bumping Uglies.

Marcus: LOL. You’re killing me.

Tags: Michelle Heard, Michelle Horst Enemies to Lovers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025