Ruthless (Enemies to Lovers 4) - Page 45

“A date?”


“But you were sleeping with that brunette.”

Now it’s my turn to be confused. “What brunette?”

“The one I saw you coming out of the elevator with at the launch.”

I still don’t know which brunette she’s referring to. I have to think hard to remember what happened that night. I was working late with Logan.

Oh shit.

“That was Logan’s secretary. We worked late,” I say harsher than I mean to.

“You didn’t sleep with her?” It’s Willow’s turn to look as if the ground has been ripped from beneath her feet.


“You wanted to date me?” She looks like she’s about to cry, which I really can’t handle right now. I need to get home so I can puke my guts out.

“Can we continue this some other time? I don’t feel well at the moment.”

“Will you really meet with me so we can talk about this, or are you blowing me off?”

I let out a tired breath. “I’ll call you, Willow. I can’t do this with you right now.”

I cross the road and get into my car. I focus on getting myself home and only make it to the kitchen when the little food I’ve managed to eat earlier, comes back up. I drop to my hands and knees as I empty the contents of my stomach on the floor.

God, it feels like I’m dying.

My stomach feels like it’s being put through a grinder. I close my eyes against the light, but it does nothing to relieve the pulsing ache in my skull.

It takes the last of my energy to clean the floor. I drag my body to the shower and get in with my clothes still o

n. Sinking down to my ass, I lean my head against the cold tiles as the water rains down on me.


It feels like I’m being dragged through sludge, and it takes forever for me to peel my eyes open.


Jaxson’s face comes into focus, and it’s filled with worry.

“What happened to you?”

I glance around me, and I’m confused when I see that I’m sitting in the shower. My suit is soaked, and the stale taste of bile almost makes me hurl again.

“I don’t know. I think I puked.”

Jaxson helps me up, and I stumble to the basin. After brushing my teeth, I try to remember how I got to the shower.

“Did you eat something bad?” Jaxson asks as he grabs a towel.

“Yeah,” I mumble. Fuck, I’ve never felt so out of it before. Even at my drunkest, I could still undress and get my ass to bed.

I struggle to get the wet jacket off. It’s a blow to my ego when Jaxson has to help me get out of the clothes. I wrap the towel around me and start to stumble in the direction of the bed.

Tags: Michelle Heard, Michelle Horst Enemies to Lovers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025