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Shameless (Enemies to Lovers 5)

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“Do you think it will ever get easier?” she asks as she looks up at me with tear-filled eyes.

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly.

She wraps her arms around my waist and presses her face into my chest.

“I’m so glad I have you, Rhett. I know I don’t say it enough, but thank you for taking care of me,” she whispers.

I hold her tighter as I whisper, “I’ll always take care of you.” I tilt my head and catching her eyes, so she’ll see I’m serious as I say, “I’ll always put your needs before my own. I don’t know what our futures hold, but I promise, I will be next to you every step of the way.”


Not a day has gone by where I haven’t kept my promise to Mia. She’s the only girl who matters to me. I don’t get involved in relationships because I can’t risk a girl getting between Mia and myself. Then there’s the fact that most girls are fucking gold diggers.

I might come across as the joker of the group, but I only trust my friends, Mr. Hayes, and Mia. Carter and I have been best friends since our first day of school. People might not see it, but we’re a lot alike. With Carter, what you see is what you get, where I hide behind jokes and one-night stands. The only difference between Carter and myself is our reason for not getting involved in any kind of serious relationship. Carter doesn’t trust anything female. Because of his mother leaving him, he thinks all women are the same.

Having money has taught me that people only see you as a bank account, and not a person with feelings. It’s been a hard lesson for me to learn.

It has to be ten times harder for Carter, seeing as he’s the wealthy one in the group. We’ve all reaped the benefits of being his friends, and thankfully he’s known us since before our balls dropped. Otherwise, I’m not so sure he would’ve let us into his life. If it’s hard for me to trust people, it has to be next to impossible for Carter.

Jaxson and Marcus have their own reasons for not wanting to commit themselves to a girl. Fuck, Marcus’ nightmare past damaged him for life. He won’t let anyone in but Jaxson, and we don’t blame him. Carter, Logan, and I understand his reasons for keeping everyone at a safe distance. We might not be as close to him as Jaxson is, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have his back. Because of his fucked-up past, we do everything in our power to protect Marcus.

I’m close to Logan as well. He’s the only stable one between the five of us, and that’s the reason I trust him with Mia. The two lovebirds think I don’t notice the way they look at each other. I’ll never interfere though. They have to figure shit out for themselves. There isn’t another guy on the face of this planet I would want for my sister.

A while back, Marcus started the Screw Crew list. It was meant as a joke, but since then it’s become a competition between us to see who can fuck the most girls. So far I’m in the lead, not that I’m proud of myself when I look at all the names. Sure, every single girl knows the deal – it’s only a once-off fuck. I don’t do repeats. But lately, even that has become boring.

I’m more selective now when it comes to choosing a girl. They have to be open to taking risks, like having sex in a place where we can get caught. They have to be wild, which means I stay away from the innocent looking ones. The last thing I want to do is scar some poor girl for life.

The girl I was with last night was mindblowing. She gave me a taste of something new. It was the first time I had anal sex, and fuck it was hot. It’s also the first time I’m considering fucking the same girl twice, but we didn’t even exchange names. It was anonymous, dirty and daring. It was perfect.

Fucking her on the dance floor only added to the thrill. To others, it might have looked like we were bumping and grinding against each other, just like everyone else, but I was buried deep in her ass.

I’m slowly becoming addicted to living on the edge. It’s the only time I know for sure that the girl isn’t acting. They need the thrill just as much as I do. It’s not about how wealthy I am, but how far I’m willing to go.

Basically, on the outside, I might look like a safe bet, but on the inside, I’m a twisted fuck. It’s a secret I keep from the guys, and I sure as fuck don’t want Mia to find out.

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