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Shameless (Enemies to Lovers 5)

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Chapter 5


Walking into McDonald’s, I feel self-conscious. My skin prickles as people glance at me, before quickly dropping their eyes again.

It doesn’t help that Rhett is right next to me. Even in my desperate state, I notice how gorgeous he is, and the expensive charcoal shirt and jeans, only make the drabs I’m wearing stand out like a sore thumb. I look like a piece of trash walking next to him, which makes the urge to run increase.

But my hunger wins the battle. The delicious smell hanging in the air makes my stomach growl painfully. A cloud of embarrassment hangs over my head as I wrap my arms tighter around my stomach, hoping to muffle the loud rumbling.

I’m only painfully aware of what I look like until I see the menu with all the pictures of food. My mouth instantly starts to water.

“What would you like?” Rhett asks. His deep voice reluctantly makes me tear my eyes away from the menu.

When I hesitate to answer, he leans closer and whispers, “You can choose anything. Either that or I’ll order half the menu.”

My eyes dart back to the menu, and I feel so overwhelmed by all the choices that I can’t make myself choose.

“I’m not picky.” As I whisper the words my cheeks flame up with shame.

A month ago I would’ve died just thinking about being in a situation like this, but after living on the streets the past weeks, my need to survive just another day triumphs over my battered pride.

When it’s our turn to order, and Rhett steps up to the counter, I can’t force my legs to follow. I stand rooted to the spot as my cheeks burn brighter. I’m so caught up in this mortifying moment, that I jerk when Rhett takes hold of my arm. I let him pull me out of the line, to the side where we have to wait for the order.

I’m thankful when Rhett takes his phone out and starts to type on it, instead of trying to have a conversation with me.

When the order is ready, Rhett passes me the cups. “Will you grab us some soda while I get us a table?”

I nod, and keeping my head down, I make my way over to the soda fountain. I blindly go with the first option and fill the cups.

When I turn around, I’m relieved to see that Rhett chose a table in the back. Feeling vulnerable, I quickly walk to where he is. I place the cups in the middle of the table and sit down as fast as I can. Hunching my shoulders, I let my hair fall over my face so I can hide behind it.

Rhett moves a tray into my line of vision, and the moment I see the burger, chicken nuggets, and fries, I almost start to cry. The lump in my throat is thick, but I swallow it down and fight the thankful tears off.

With trembling hands, I pick up a nugget. At first, I try to hold myself back as I take a tiny bite, but when the rich flavor explodes in my mouth, I lose my self-control. I shove the entire nugget in my mouth, and closing my eyes, I savor the taste and warmth.

A stubborn tear sneaks down my cheek. Quickly wiping it away I glance at Rhett to make sure he didn’t see it.

His eyes are locked on my face, his features torn with anger and anguish.

He looks so upset that I immediately apologize. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

I try harder to stay in control of my emotions and hunger as I reach for the second nugget, but my hand freezes an inch away from the golden-brown piece of chicken when Rhett growls, “You have nothing to apologize for.”

My eyes dart back to his, and I swallow hard as the emotional lump starts to form in my throat again. I wish I could take the food and go hide somewhere private so I can savor every bite.

“Don’t worry about me or the other people, Evie. Please eat.”

I blink rapidly as my eyes start to burn, and with a slight nod, I pick up another nugget.

I’ve just swallowed my third nugget when Rhett pushes one of the cups closer to me.

I give him a trembling smile as I bring the cup to my lips. Taking a tiny sip, a sickly sweetness engulfs my mouth, and I immediately regret not getting water for myself.

“I’ve ordered us an Uber. It should be here in ten minutes.”

I nod, feeling apprehensive about getting into a car with Rhett. Yesterday I had a job and the strength to fight, but after being fired and spending another night on the streets, I’m desperate.

Maybe Rhett really wants to help me?

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